
What are some Obstacles?

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I am drawing a road map of life from start to success. The start is high school and the success should be a career as a doctor. In between the two destinations, I need some destinations and obstacles. What are some obstacles to success?




  1. A drinking problem.

  2. Destinations:



    Unable to pay tuition for college

    Excess of doctors in the workfield so they wouldn't need you.;...

  3. Your academic ability

    Money to pay for the university course

    Personal hang-ups on the way ie friends, family, possible pregnancy

    Death or sickness (of someone close or your own)

    Changing financial situation

    War and chaos

    Natural disaster

  4. Getting into college. Facing difficult exams at college. Facing situations that may make you uncomfortable at medical school e.g terminally ill patients or maybe needles make you squemish - so overcoming that fear would be an obstacle.. Perhaps getting funding for college would be an obstacle.. Then getting hired once you're qualified, gaining respect of colleagues.. Figure out each thing you'll need to do to become a doctor and just say to yourself 'how do i acheive this' anything you need to overcome = obstacle list.

  5. some obstacles could be:

    ◘ personal problems(ya, you know what im talking about)

    ◘ death(of someone you love, or yourself)

    ◘ relationship problems

    those are some that i can think of!

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