
What are some cultures in ireland?

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What are some cultures in ireland?




  1. Loads now. We have massive Chinese and Polish/Eastern European cultures, many African and Indian/South Asian cultures... tonnes of cultures.

  2. Polish people have been the largest source of immigrants (over 1/3 of a million) from Central Europe, followed by other immigrants from Baltic nations (Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia).  

    Ireland has had a significant number of Romanian immigrants since the 1990s. In recent years, mainland Chinese have been migrating to Ireland in significant numbers. Nigerians, along with people from other African countries have accounted for a large proportion of the non-European Union migrants to Ireland.

    Also, there are many Russian people as well as people from the Balkan region.

  3. Multicultural

  4. we have no cultures left we just multi cultural now:(

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