
What are some famous mexican landmarks?

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what are some famous mexican landmarks




  1. Depends on which kind: pyramids, colonnial, modern arquitecture, etc... And in which region of Mexico.

    As a matter of fact, I was just reading a pretty funny page where users voted of the 7 prime landmarks of Mexico City.

    I haven't been to every place listed there, but I agree on most of the user choices (there's just too many major places to go to in Mexico City to choose just 7). I was actually surprised so many people chose the Pantalón building (d**n that building is creepy looking!!).

  2. Start with El Castillo, the famous pyramid at Chichen Itza--see the link below.

    Then there's the Maya temples at Palenque and Uxmal.

    The main temple at Palenque is the Temple of the Inscriptions.

    And the main pyramid at Uxmal is the Temple of the Dwarf (also called the Pyramid of the Magician).

  3. corn fields

  4. 1.- Piramid del Castillo en Chichen Itza. (this is one of the 7 new wonders of the world)

    3.- Piramides and Mayan ruins of Palenque in the State of Chiapas.

    4.- Cenotes sagrados of the Mayas in the Yucatan peninsula, including the underground caves and rivers.

    5.- The ruins of Tulum located in the Mexican Mayan riviera, surrounded by the spectacular turquoise blue waters and white sand beaches.

    6.- The biggest piramid in the world, located in Chulula city, State of Puebla and the church of Tonanzintla built on top of this piramid.

    7.- The piramid of the sun and the city of Teotihuacan next to Mexico City.

    8.- The second largest square in the world, this is Mexico City big plaza in front of the President Palace.

    9.- The antropology museum in Mexico City, the biggest pre-columbian museum in the world.

    10.- The Cathedral of Mexico City and the aztec ruins next to it.

    11.- The Chapultepec Castle on top of the hill of the Chapultepec forest.

    12.- The Copper Canyon, bigger and deeper than the Colorado Canyon.

    13.- Plaza de Toros México (Mexico´s bullring), the biggest in the world.

    14.- The spectacular church of the Virgen de Guadalupe.

    15.- The most beautiful buildings of the colony in the country located in different States of the Mexico are landmarks for each State of the Republic.

    I could continue giving you names but each State of Mexico has its own landmark.   What I just mentioned above is just a little example of the old culture and traditions of Mexico.   I did not mention anything about the modern times landmarks.  Best to you.

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