
What are some pros for Homeschooling?

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  1. 1.  High standards in areas of academia, and in things both social and moral.

    2.  Opportunity to follow individual interests.

    3.  Potential to excel in all pursuits.

    4.  The chance to study for perfection.

    5.  The ability to think for one's self instead of parroting the opinion of the masses.

    6.  Keeping the family intact.

    7.  Children learn to interact with people of all ages in a respectful manner.

    8.  Accuracy in math.  The student can study for mastery without distraction and interruptions.

    9.  Clarity in writing.

    10.  Comprehension in reading.

    11.  The statistics are in and home-schooling is a wonderful option for education ----

    12.  Their is a huge community of home-schoolers spread out across the United States and around the world.

    13.  The educational resources are endless.  Anything you want or need to learn is available in every price range.

    14.  Many educational resources are entirely free -- via the library and the internet.

    15.  There are conferences for  homeschool information in all of the States.

    16.  There is legal help available ---

    17.  Every community has enough home-schoolers to meet and get together for field-trips, co-op classes, gym events, sports teams, and soooooo much more.

    18.  Home-schools give the children opportunities to excel and prepare for the college SAT.

    19.  The children can learn truth instead of propaganda.

    20.  Home-school students do very well in college and in the workplace.

    21.  Home-schools produce very well-studied individuals instead of paper-cutter clones.

    22.  Every home-school is as different as the people within the family.

    23.  Homeschooled students tend to grow up to become home-schooling parents.

    24.  The students are free to learn about things that are important to the family --- Bible, prayer, Godliness....

    25.  The family stays strong.

  2. Living in the real world, not having to hide in school.  

    Learning what you want, when you want which allows you to find out who you are and where you want to go throughout your life.

  3. I am a homeschool mom who majored in Secondary Education, but instead of teaching in a public institution, I chose to homeschool. I think that the general public is very uninformed about homeschooling today, and still relies on the old stereotype of the "shy unsocialized hermetic homeschooler" who never leaves their home and has no friends. It is so inaccurate. My kids are very social and anything but shy! We live in a suburb of Kansas City, and there are hundreds, maybe thousands of other Hschoolers in our small area. Nationwide, there are millions of us. We are active members of several local groups for homeschool famlies, and we take part in at least one social activity every day, outside of our home. Activities are set up and organized by moms through yahoo email loops. Our local homeschool groups offers the following activities to name a small few; Girl and Boy Scout troops, 4H, campfire, bowling, gymnastics, swimming, horseback riding, art, choir, and gym classes, holiday parties, book clubs, a 2 hour long recess time every week, plus park days, field trips, picnics and academic fairs. These are just a few of the many things we do while everyone else is in school). When we are not doing our lessons, we are always on the go, and it is ironic that we call ourselves homeschoolers since we spend so much time away from home! Homeschoolers have the advantage of one on one personalized attention educationally, and we also dont have to waste a lot of time on discipline, paperwork, and busywork. We can get our lessons done in a couple hours each morning, and then get on with enjoying our hobbies and friends. We also have the advantage of making closer more meaningful friendships because our kids have the time for more playdates and outings, instead of sitting, bored and institutionalized behind a desk all day. I find it ridiculous that public schools are thought of as a great place to socialize! How can kids socialize when they have to sit silently and listen for 8 hours a day?? Homeschoolers have the time to learn at their own pace, to spend time with friends, and just be kids, without the pressures and negative influences of public school. Homeschool kids are not hermits and they are not freaky nerds. They are just really lucky kids who get to enjoy life and learning every day. No child is left behind in a homeschool, and socialization is the best reason to homeschool. Public school creates a harsh artificial society where children are raised by their peers. Homeschoolers live and learn in the real world. For more info, read the book; "The Well adjusted Child; The Social Benefits of Homeschooling", by Rachel Gathercole,

    or Dumbing Us Down; The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling, by John Taylor Gatto

  4. You don't get brain washed from the school system.. The perants can decide what they teach their child and when.

    I was homeschooled because I had learning problems. The schools said I would never be able to do anything. They were very wrong by the way.

    My parents removed me from school and taught me at home. It changed my life. I am so glad they did. I am so blest.

    Homeschooling gave me a LOVE OF LEARNING...

  5. You don't have to drag your kids out of bed early every morning to get them to school at 8 a.m.  My kids are not early risers so it is a fight every night to go to bed and every morning to get them up.

    It takes your kids less time to do the work they need to do and then they can spend the rest of their time doing enrichment work such as cooking, gardening, computers, art, music, field trips, or just playing and being kids.

    You can spend more quality time with them instead of working around a school schedule.  You choose when you want to visit Disneyland instead of during school breaks when the rest of the world is there, too!

    I called my son's school that he wasn't coming in one day and asked his teacher for the work for the day.  It took us about 1 hour to do what he would normally do all day in school and then we went to a museum, park, read together and snuggled.  It was a beautiful day.  I wish I could do that every day with him.

    You choose what you want to teach your kids and at what pace. My son is really bright and soaks up learning what he wants to.  I have him in school for the social interaction, but I may pull him out in the future and homeschool him.

    There are many homeschooling clubs and churches where you can interact and group school your kids.  It is a great resource for learning from other homeschooling parents.  True, there are PTA and other parents around at public or private schools, but many of them are busy working, etc. With homeschooling, one parent is at home with the children and so they are available for sharing and interacting, friendship, etc.

    There are many schools where the children can be affiliated with the private school's Independent Study Program.  The kids I know who are homeschooled sing play sports for the affiliated school, sing in the school choir and act in the school play, but they don't physically show up at the school every day.

    There are many pros to homeschooling and I wish I were in a position to homeschool my son.  I am currently working, but hopefully someday I will be able to.  Luckily, my son is thriving in public school and so it is not an issue at this point.  But I am planning to homeschool when he gets to Middle School/Junior High because that's when kids are introduced to drugs, alcohol, s*x, etc.  I had a tough time in Jr. High with bullying. I was labeled as a goody-goody since I was not making out with boys or experimenting with marijuana and alcohol.  And I went to an upper middle class Jr. High, so it's not like it was a rough neighborhood.

    Hope this helps!

  6. You can teach your kids things that they won't get in a normal public school but you want them to learn it anyway. My family is alot closer than if we had all been public schooled because we all got to do things together alot instead of sitting in our own separate classrooms and never seeing each other. Everything your kids think will not be determined by the public school system.

  7. It's really laid back and students can learn at their own pace instead of having to keep up with the crazy people that are "teachers". Also you have more time to work on something else like a sport or something. And if there is something you are interested in you can learn more about!

  8. not having to ride a bus or anything

  9. 1. The education taught to the child/children can be unlimited. Not selective like in public schools.

    2. No bullying in home schooling.

    3. No drug sales.

    4. No booze consumption.

    5. No hazing, theft, threats, or sexual assaults. No teacher to molest or rape a student.

    6. No students hating your child because they are different and independent.

    7. No chance in h**l of a whining glorified baby sitter of a teacher walking out on strike for more pay and benefits while depriving a child of an education.

    8. The hours of home schooling can be arranged to fit any schedule.

    9. The home schooling environment is safe and snow days/PTA days can be replaced by home work therefore ending your child's/children's school year earlier.

    10. No favoritism from a teacher. No singling out.

    People, many people put up the argument that home school kids have no social life. Think about that for a moment. "Social Life." So are these same kids saying that a social life is more important than an education? It's ok to go to school and talk about the prettiest girl, who has the coolest car, who was at the party last week?

    Socialization is the only argument they ever put up, never education. Perhaps it's because public school kids place more emphasis on having friends than learning anything.

    Our children can talk to you about the inventor of penicillin, the Indian Chief Quanah Parker, Dr. Charles Drew and his contribution to modern medical science, how air conditioning was invented, Ivan the Terrible, where the Marianas Trench is, the list goes on.

    I don't know a public school kid over the age of 12 that can tell me what General George Crook's Starvation March was. But our kids can tell you that. Our kids are learning business mathematics, how to avoid an audit by the IRS and how to balance their bank accounts.

    Our kids have friends, not many, but our kids also don't talk over our lectures, they don't compare IPod's or IPhones or text each other here.

    Our home schooling experience at the parents/teachers has been exceptionally beneficial and eventful.

  10. Even the best of schools cannot provide the quality of education that parents can tailor for their children's educations.  I have been considering homeschool since my 4th grader has been virtually "left behind." I've had to keep on him.

  11. Parents can decide whether to teach Creationism or Evolution and not put up with a bunch of c**p.

    Parents do not have to allow their children to be exposed to such c**p as the Homosexual Day of Silence being organized for April 25th this year.

    Parents can decide when "school" vacations take place.

    Parents can take their children and the "school" anywhere in the world and still educate their children.

  12. Parents are the best teachers for their children. We were given children by God, not the state, and it is our responsiblity to raise them in all things, including guiding them in their educations. We may ask for help from others such as grandparents, other trusted family and friends, and those in the community whom we know, but the full responsiblity in raising  a child falls upon parents, which is how it is supposed to be.

    Those who would argue that "it takes a village to raise a child" forget that if a child gets arrested the "village" is not going to come to their defense, nor will the "village" be held accountable before a court of law for the child's errant ways. The "village" is important in the fact that we are not individual islands, but social beings, and the "village" provides the social interaction and  accountability we all need from our communties in always being on our best behavior, but the "village" does not raise anyone's kid.

    Homeschooling is not a burden on the taxpayers as each family pays for the kind and type of education they wish to impart to their children. Just think of the trillions of dollars that would be saved if everyone homeschooled. (I am looking only at the expense of public education, not at those whose livelihoods depend upon it).

    Homeschooling fosters strong family ties as parents and children are not separated for long time periods out of a child's life. The parents continue to have the largest impact on their children's lives, not a host of strangers (teachers), and the negative impact of kids who may come from questionable backgrounds. Children should not be artificially separated from their parents during their formative years when their moral and ethical values need to be imparted and defined by their parents. children need to be trained by their parents in all aspects of life.

    Homeschooling keeps the "generation gap" from becoming paramount in a young person's life as there is constant interaction between all age groups. Kids are not artificially kept in age-segregated rooms where they learn to become peer-dependent. Homeschooling erases almost all "generation gaps" as the generations interact on a daily basis. Children who are homeschooled interact in real life and experience how real life operates so that they know how to live and adjust as adults when the time is right. Too many kids today do not know how to become adults because they are not exposed to the adult world in a meaningful and responsible way.

    Homeschooling almost eradicates peer pressure as most kids who are homeschooled are free-thinkers and do not rely on their peers for affirmation. Homeschooled kids are dependent on their families for their love, acceptance, and security, and therefore they are more well-rounded and emotionally healthy.

    Homeschooling makes for strong communities and strong countries as the home values are strengthened and taught. Parents who take on the responsibility of homeschooling have a vested interest in their families and know that strong familial ties make strong people who value themselves and others. Homeschooling fosters strong families and well-adjusted kids. These strong ties cause the communities to be strong, which in turn strengthens the country and fosters a well-adjusted citizenry (overall).

    Homeschooling allows each child to grow up to become the person they were created to be. Homeschooling allows for the individual strengths and weaknesses of each child to be identified so that the child can focus on what they are strongest in and can excel at. In our family, we do not waste time forcing kids to "learn" things that they are not programmed to learn just so they can pass a test and help the school to get a good "report card" for the state. If a child just cannot compute higher math skills, then we focus on the basics and make sure they have a strong grasp of basic math skills that everyone needs for daily interaction in real life. This particular child may never grow up and know the Pythegorean theorem, but he just might grow up to write an international best selling novel. Every child exposed to math or science is not going to grow up to become architects or scientists. If we have a child who shows interest in areas that are much more advanced, we help them go as high as they wish. This is the ultimate freedom in education: to be able to go with one's individual strengths and develop them fully.

    Homeschooling allows for a child to develop to his or her fullest potential as the child is not forced into artificial and adult-run programs that r****d their intellectual abilities or imaginary perspectives. Children who homeschool have a lot more freedom to be who they are; to play, to act, to write, and to grow up in a world where the exploration of their world is not hindered or contrived. Homeschooling retains a child's love of learning, their natural and innate curiosity, and their free exploration of the world around them. These kids are not taught to be dependent by being spoon-fed information, but are taught to be interactive and proactive in their learning by taking an active role in what and how they will learn.

    Homeschooled kids become life-long learners who have a voracious appetite for all things related to their skills, talents, and abilities. These kids develop leadership qualities and are not easily swayed by popular culture. They make their own culture as they interact in the real world around them.

    Homeschooling is the what happens in a truly free and democratic society. Government ,(public) run schools have an agenda that is contrary to that of most parents and families, and is detrimental to the moral health of a nation. Real freedom and real education through homeschooling is what happens when people are given the free rein to make their own choices in life. Will some people not learn all they need? Sure, if they choose not to. But we do not all want to be carbon copies of each other by all knowing the exact same material and spewing it out like robots who have been programmed to not think, not reason, and certainly to not be educated. Standardized schools make for standardized people who act like lemmings and never have their own thoughts. I do not want  standardized kids who pass standardized tests and become standardized citizens in a standardized world.


    And this is not what happens in a free society.

  13. 1.  Ability to know what your child is learning and be a primary influence in your child's life

    2. Flexibility in learning for your child

    3. Gives your child more time to focus on him/herself and education versus being overwhelmed by distractions in traditional school environments

    4.  Most children develop more confidence while homeschooling because you can tailor the education to their needs whether they are advanced or behind

  14. Here's some info that may help:

    Pros and Cons




    Homeschooling vs. Public School

    Hope this helps!

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