
What are some....?

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What are some reasons you like/should be home schooled and shouldnt? If your home schooled do you like it?




  1. stupid

  2. I was homeschooled 7th -12th grade.  I loved it & now I totally miss it.  I'm in college now so everything is so much more structured and there's not much flexibility.  I plan on homeschooling any children that I have in the distant future.  I hate seeing how many kids that go through the public school system turn out.

  3. There are many reasons people choose to homeschool:

    more flexibility

    more freedom

    advanced or behind academically

    average academically and lost in the shuffle

    need to learn in a way that's better suited to learning style

    disappointed with dumbed down public school curricula

    avoid bullying and peer pressure

    avoid negative social exposure

    religious reasons (either freedom from or freedom to practice)

    pass along and emphasize family values

    more control over schedule

    more family time

    I don't think people should homeschool because they think it's easier.  I also don't think lazy or unmotivated people thrive with homeschooling.

    Here are some of the disadvantages and pros and cons of homeschooling:

    Here are a few of the benefits:

    You've asked an important question.  Good luck making your decision!

  4. I don't think kids should be homeschooled unless it's what the parents want to do. I personally like homeschooling my kids, and they love homeschooling. They're involved with a big group and a lot of activities, take a lot of interesting classes and do a lot of hands-on work and field trips. The kids are generally better behaved in the homeschool group activities than in schools (this is my experience, I've taught in public schools and in homeschool co-ops). We like the freedom it affords our family, the time we get to spend together and the fact that we know what our kids are learning and that  they're getting a good, well-rounded education.

  5. I'm a jr. and homeschooled. I love it. I finish earlier in the day and the year than normal schools, and have a ton more flexibility, too. And I'm able to customize it more, too. My electives this year are Piano and International Studies, for instance.
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