
What are some ways that?

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i can make friends at school this year? (and not be shy)




  1. 1. Be yourself. Don't act a different way just to make friends, that's a really big turn off for most people.

    2. Start a conversation because many people will be in the same boat as you, and will want to make new friends too.

    3. Start a conversation by complimenting them (it'll make them happy!) or say something about the class your in with them.

    4. Crack a few jokes. People really like being around other people who can make them laugh.

    5. Don't exclude people by the way they dress, talk, act, look, etc. because they may become your new best friend(s).

    6. Be calm, friends sort of come 'naturally'. (:

    Good luck.

  2. be more out going , look on the brightside of things and try to talk to people

  3. smile, be nice, dont try to be a mean B****..

    ppl usually say "b urself"...decided on certain things before u go there, even like stupid things like opinoins u have in music and ur taste in cloths or wtvr, so ull know ur not changing it for anyone

    being outgoing can b important, theres a balance in between which si prob better, cuz it seems more sincere a lot of the time

    u just walk up t someone at lunch and say "heyy can i eathere?" start talkinhg bout ur teachers and schedules, if they sem lke ur type of ppl, eat there every day

    dont worry abotu looing stupid, u remember it for way longer anyone else will, so try to not feel self consiouc

    and also its rlly important to not fear those awkward moments, cuz its jsut as awkward for the other ppl there so its not as bad as ur thinkming it is, cuz urnot looking that stupid!

    just go up to ppl and start a conversation, and if thyere outgoign theyll steer the conversation u just have to listen, ask a few quesitons now and hten, and when iu have ur own opion, say it!

    good luck, ull do fine  

  4. Aww I remember being shy. Join extracurricular things such as sports, choir, or arts! I was in choir and it really helped me make friends! Good luck! :-)

  5. join sports and after school clubs, you meet lots of people! if you see someone from a class that you had earlier in the day, smile and say hi! go to a random table that doesnt look s****. and ask if u could sit with them. If you are shy, fix everything wrong with your appearence, confidence fixes a shy person :)

  6. idk sorry...~xoxo ally*

  7. You have to put out good vibes. Make yourself available to new friends. Join activities you like: soccer, drama, art - whatever. You'll then be surrounded by people with similar interests, people who will find yo interesting and vice versa. I really recommend trying out for the school play - even if just to be an understudy or help out with props - you will spend a lot of time together and form some really strong bonds with people. Good luck, and remember: Life doesn't even begin to start until college.

  8. to people and be nice

    and act like urself

  9. be yourself! talk to them(the people you want to be friends with), hang out with them, invite them over! and friendly stuff! hope i helped contact me and i can give you more advice was goin through same thing!

  10. find a sport and than friends will come

  11. if you are new, most of the time people will talk to you. but if not, ask if you can sit with them at lunch, don't come on a overpowering or to happy. they might think you are weird if they don't know you. but be your self and you will make friends

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