
What are the A level exams?

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What are they for, and why do you get to choose what subjects to take them in?




  1. A Levels (or Higher Exams in Scotland) are the exams you take after your GCSEs, Standard Grades or Intermediate Exams. It is what 5th Year students take (16-17yrs).

    They are used to raise your education in subjects, so you have higher results and more likely to get a better job, etc. They are not compulsory and you can choose which subjects to take because it is YOUR education. Usually, you take the exams in subjects you studied in 3rd & 4th Years.

    Hope this helps!


  2. A levels are Exams you take usually when you are 17/18 years old.

    they are qualifications which may help you to obtain a job, or move on to higher education (University).

    you are able to choose what A levels you do because A levels is a stepping stone to your future career, and so you must decide what alevels to pick.

    example if you wanted to do engineering you would pick primarily science and math base subjects.

    also most people pick A levels they find easy or interesting and mold them into a job in the future.

    very similar to the G.C.S.E where you had to decide the main subjects you wished to take on.

  3. A-Levels are qualifications taken in England (and maybe other places too I'm not sure...)

    You have AS at the end of year 12 (at 16/17)

    And A2 at the end of year 13 (at 17/18)

    Your grade is about 40/60 mixture normally (40% on AS, 60% on A2)

    You get to choose (usually) 4 subjects for AS then drop to 3 for A2.

    You get to choose because it's based on your interests and skills.

  4. Hi A-Level exams are the next qualifications which most people take after GCSEs. You get to choose which subjects to take them in because some people will choose different subjects in order to help them get to uni, for example, someone who wants to study medicine will take biology and chemistry.  

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