
What are the basics of cricket?

by  |  earlier

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I am wondering if anyone can explain in full detail most of the basics to me about cricket

I am trying to learn how to play so I can talk cricket talk






  1. Bat, ball, esky and a slab. (use the empty carton for stumps)

  2. I found what you want

  3. the basics of the cricket is your mind should be a sports man mind.

  4. easy. U  bat and try to hit the ball. If u r a bowler, u try and get the batsman out. Very simple

  5. Try this,

    You will get good guidance from this site.


    1. Take the bat in the right hand with the hand behind the

    handle the bat making sure the face of the bat is square on.

      2.  Back view, right hand grip. The hand behind the handle of the  

    bat, thumb and fingers giving a firm grip.

    3.  The left hand placed on the handle of the bat, palm of the hand against the handle,  thumb and fingers gripping. The back of the hand towards the mid-off position. The face of the right towards the bowler.

    4. The two hands together show about an inch of the top of the handle  

          above the left hand and the right hand close up to the left hand.

    The little finger of the bottom hand close up to the top hand.


    1.The basic grip. First and second fingers alongside the seam,

    the humb supporting underneath. Third and fourth fingers at

    the side of the ball.

    2. Foot positions at the crease when delivering the ball.  

    3. Start by walking to the wicket. Whether walking or running

    to the wicket, the balance of the body will always go forward.

    4. The front foot is going forward. The hands hang down n relaxed

    position. The head is steady. The eyes look forward.  

    5. The right hand swings high. The initial swing of the right

    arm to this position starts before the initial swing of the left arm.

    As the right arm swings up, the right foot has gone forward.

    6. The left foot comes forward past the right. The left arm

    carries on with this upward swing. The right arm commences

    the downward swing. The left arm carries on with the upward

    swing. The balance of the body is on the back leg. The trunk

    is turning towards the sideways-on position. The eyes look

    down the wicket over the left elbow.  

    7. The left arm has gone to a higher position. The trunk has

    turned sideways on. The head is steady. The eyes look over

    the left shoulder. The right arm stays close to the body in

    its downward swing.

  7. There are two teams, one team is in and the other one is trying to get them out.  The 'In team' only play two members at any one time and each carries a bat.  There is an arrangement of sticks called a wicket that the 'In team' defend whilst the other team try to knock down.  The batsmen try to hit the cricket ball as far as possible whenever they get a chance.  Once the ball has been belted far away the batsmen to cause confusion run to opposing ends of the set playing area also called a wicket.  Eventually all of the 'in team' are out and the other team now becomes the 'in team' Some of the bowlers or ball chuckers are very aggressive and try to maim the batsmen,  Some batsmen attempt to 'accidentally'  touch the bowlers with a bat and break the odd arm.  Some of the cricketers are snobs and are called Gentlemen whilst the rest who have little money are called Players.  Spectators are encouraged to fall asleep during the matches and of late copious amounts of canned drinks are consumed to assist this.  And this, as they say... is that.......

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