
What are the ko spots?

by  |  earlier

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When i'm in a match, i like to come out, and throw the fastest, best punches possible. Are their any specific knock out points on the body? Like i almost k.o's a kid the other day when i punched him in the eye socket, but are there any others? I want to make the Olympic team, and many say my next fight is going to determine that so i want to make it the best. So what are the best ways to knock someone out, and fastest.




  1. the kidneys,

    the part right below the pecs.

    Watch the oscar de la hoya and bernard hopkins fight, B-hop knocked out de la hoya by hitting him in the money spot.

    anywhere in the face hurts if you hit hard enough, just go for the side of the jaw. if they have their mouth open or mouthguard stickin out you will hurt them

  2. actually the great sweet spots are 1) The nose it causes both eyes to tear or swell...2) the point of the chin..(pushing the chin (mandible) back temp.stops flow of blood to the brain....... but usually it's a shot that you dont see coming quick counters..... another sweet spot is the temple the weakest spot on the favorite however is a hook to the liver......(Early Mike Tyson favorite) it paralyses you and drops you like a rock in a pond and here's a boxing amature secret if you corner him or have him against the ropes and throw a massive flurry the ref will stop it if he covers and does nothing so  do some endurance traing to throw flurries and the ref will do the work for you

  3. I dont know where these people are getting their information from but take it from a former 3 time Chicago Golden Glove Champion.

    the Chin is the most vulnerable point in the head and is the key target for a knockout punch. we have temples in our head, these two temples are connected by the chin, if the chin takes a shock so will the temples, causing them to shut down for an instant. next thing you know your on the grownd for the count. this is why you hear the term in Boxing, "Glass chin" if a fighter has a glass chin he/she is likely to go down for the count if they get hit there.

    if you want a key target in the body, its always the Cage, followed by the kidneys. but the cage is full proof its right at the top of the stomach and the bottom of the chest, right square in the middle, no matter how hard you can make your abs, the right punch will penetrate the cage and you have yourself a knockdown and hopefully he stays down,

    FYI: one of the idiots who answered your question mentioned the De la hoya / Hopkins fight, where De la hoya goes down (supposedly) by a shot to the kidneys. I just have to mention that although this is a good target please dont take this guys advise and reference that fight, that was the biggest fix in boxing of the 21st century, it was the fakest knockout ever and has dicusted me ever since I saw it, and it discusts me that this dumb *** refferenced that fight to you. what an idiot.

  4. the eye its really a great target b/c you blind them temporally also and eventually if they don't go down if you can hit hard enough the eye will start to close up. the temples are good but with amateur fighting the headgear will prevent that. most importantly is not getting the knockout. work the body throughout the whole fight and wear them down then go up top after they start to drop there hands to protect the body

  5. ??? They say your ready for the Olympics and you dont know where the knockout points are????? Man why are their so many posts from guys that claim they are in boxing about how to punch, how to work on speed, yadda yadda, if you were ready for the Olympics you would know where to hit a guy to knock him out.

    There cant be that many horrible gyms that don't show their fighters how to punch.

    Anyways, Tip of the chin. Right under the ear.The floating rib. I find the best place to hit is an uppercut right under the ear, When hit there the jaw bone will push up into the brain and KO! I think it hits a muscle and the muscle pushes on the brain. Either way it will result in  a devastating knockout.

  6. kidneys, and right in front of the ear. kinda like where sideburns are. if u watch floyd against corrales, or floyd vs n'dou, or really andy mayweather fight, almost all his knockdowns come from that area

  7. The vaunted left-hook to the liver.  For example, see Jorge Arce vs. Megdoen Singsurat, and most recently, Antonio Margarito vs. Kermit Cintron (from tonight).  There's something brutally beautiful about that punch that I can't quite put my finger on.  But the results speak for themselves.

  8. first you have 2 do some research on your opponent,know his weak spots...if he has a cement chin than go for the body,i have ended fights quickly by hitting my opponent in the solar pluxus!
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