
What are the methods of cultivation?

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What are the methods of cultivation?




  1. Methods of Cultivation

    Certified organic farming [cert org]

    No use of chemical fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides, fungicides. Distillation usually slow and under low pressure in order to ensure maximum retention of active components.

    Certified organic wild [cert org wild]:

    Essential oils derived from wild-grown plants, harvested and distilled according to certified organic regulations. Production does not differ from certified organic essential oils.

    Wild-grown [wild]:

    These essential oils stem from wild-growing plants. They may be produced in larger quantities (e.g. Eucalyptus, Tea-tree, Siberian pine, etc.) but have not undergone chemical treatment.

    Traditional farming [trad]:

    As with certified organic no use of chemical fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides, fungicides. Distillation usually slow, under low pressure. No overheating. The farmer is not a member of one of the controlling organizations, but planting, harvesting and distilling are performed according to traditional methods without any use of chemical substances.

    Selected farming [select]:

    Our collection also contains essential oils from many countries where it is impossible to find certified organic sources. Each of these essential oils, however, is carefully selected for its high quality. Regular use of gas chromatography provides a further guarantee of purity and quality.


    Some plants are not suited to the distillation process, because they lose aroma, properties, or yield. In these cases the plant material may be obtained by solvent extraction. The final product from this process is known as an absolute. All our absolutes are from hexane extraction, unless otherwise stated.

    The website below can also help

  2. There are many methods of soil cultivation.  The methods have changed over the years and is still changes.  This link will pretty well answer your question.  I would rather just have you read the article than cut and paste half a book for you. Good Luck.

  3. Come to Indian Village, Haryna , Punjab, Andhra Pradesh.

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