
What are these spot-like things?

by  |  earlier

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I have too little spots, right next to each other on my p***s, i am fourteen years old, and I am still a virgin obviously. One of the spots is white, and has been there for a long time. The other just appeared a few days ago, and is red. They are both located right by a blood vessel.




  1. they could be hair folicles begining to grow...

  2. If you are a virgin and have had NO contact with another persons' body not just s*x, it very well could be a hair follicle or a cyst or a normal bump that appears on an adolescent body. Maybe even a bug bite. If the white spot has been there for a while and there has been no puss or itching you should be fine. Most male STD's don't actually even have physical symptoms. However, if you have rubbed on someone or recieved filatio, talk to your doc next time you see him. What you tell him is confidential and he can't tell your parents unless you consent to that or other extraordinary circumstances. Tests are very simple and non-invasive. Good luck   Its where the hair grows from, a pore

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