
What are these transistor "terms"?

by  |  earlier

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I finally got a circuit simulator, and it asked me for these, "terms" if you will.




And what looks like ls (I THINK that's an L...)

The only "terms" I learned about transistors were things like gain and how much a transistor could handle.

Any help please?




  1. AREA [–] area factor

    TMP [K] device Temperature

    IS     [A] transport saturation current

    BF   [–] ideal maximum forward beta

    NF   [–] forward current emission coefficient

    VAF [V] forward Early voltage

    IKF   [A] corner for forward beta high current roll-off

    ISE [A] B-E leakage saturation current

    NE   [–] B-E leakage emission coefficient

    BR   [–] ideal maximum reverse beta

    NR [–] reverse current emission coefficient

    VAR [V] reverse Early voltage

    IKR        [A] corner for reverse beta high current roll-off

    ISC [A] B-C leakage saturation current

    NC   [–] B-C leakage emission coefficient

    RB   [Ω] zero bias base resistance

    IRB [A] current where base resistance falls halfway to its min value

    RBM [Ω] minimum base resistance at high currents

    RE   [Ω] emitter resistance

    RC   [Ω] collector resistance

    CJE [F] B-E zero-bias depletion capacitance

    VJE [V] B-E built-in potential

    MJE [–] B-E junction exponential factor

    TF   [s] ideal forward transit time

    XTF [–] coefficient for bias dependence of TF

    VTF [V] voltage describing VBC dependence of TF

    ITF [A] high-current parameter for effect on TF

    PTF [deg] excess phase at freq=1.0/(TF*2PI)Hz

    CJC [F] B-C zero-bias depletion capacitance

    VJC [V] B-C built-in potential

    MJC [–] B-C junction exponential factor

    XCJC [–] fraction of B-C depletion capacitance connected to internal base node

    TR   [s] ideal reverse transit time

    CJS [F] zero-bias collector-substrate capacitance

    VJS [V] substrate junction built-in potential

    MJS [–] substrate junction exponential factor

    XTB [–] forward and reverse beta temperature exponent

    EG   [eV] energy gap for temperature effect on IS

    XTI [–] temperature exponent for effect on IS

    KF   [–] flicker-noise coeficient!!

    AF   [–] flicker-noise exponent

    FC   [–] coefficient for forward-bias depletion capacitance formula

    TNOM [K] measurement (nominal) temperature

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