
What are ur views on murderers?

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i hate them




  1. Murderers should be hung, it`s about time the public had a say in whether hanging should be brought back, I think there will be more for than against

  2. A "murderer", to me, is someone who kills an innocent person. I would agree that such people are despicable. However, there are a few people out there (mostly other murderers) that I would not mind seeing get wasted.

  3. I'm for the death penalty when it's overwhelmingly proven they are guilty.  Rapists and child molesters/killers should be tortured, but I guess that's not PC.

    These "life" sentences in cushy prisons is for the birds.  I saw a prison online that looked better than a resort.  If we must put them in for life, it should be in tents surrounded by barbwire and they should have to do hard labor.

  4. Some of them are alright. Hate the sin, not the sinner.

  5. who gives anyone the right to take someone elses life????

    just coz a murderer did i don't think the death penalty is fair as a life for a life doesnt add up, people should be taken off this earth as God intended(an i'm not even a religious person)

    Evil people who commit such crimes should be locked up for LIFE but not in these prisons where you get nicer living conditions that students at uni and all paid for by hard working british citizens. I think its disgraceful the way prisoners are kept.

    Old fashioned prisons are much more of a punishment than these modern ones, no wonder they're overflowing if they're so comfortable, no incentive not go back in!!!

  6. Well speaking as someone that has commited murder in the past, I wouldn't like to see the death penalty introduced. Although I'm not planning on any othre murders in the near future, I would hate to be penalised by a change in the law.

    I don't murder people for fun, it just happens,, I

    If I don't get what I want, I just invade a country or get someone else to do it,, sometimes we do have to murder a few people.. many of them innocent...

    Any way got to go now,, time for my Cocoa

    George W. Bush

  7. Not a good idea.

  8. They still have the death penalty where I live, and i think rightfully so. People who murder are a danger to society, even a danger to the guards and other inmates in prison ( that are not murderers). They should have the ultimate penalty. Death. There is no reason to keep them in any type of community.

  9. I want to kill them.

  10. It depends, in general they are sick, twisted &%$#@

    but, in some cases people are just confused & have no idea what they are doing. If someone told you to kill them to end a great suffering on them would you let them live in pain or send them to the after live these are the questions.

  11. Eye for an eye.

  12. Murderers suck!!! They are right down sick, wrong and messed-up big time.

    Unfortuantly ther are to many in the world to stop.

    I HATE THEM!!!!!!!

  13. Mostly in the news you hear of the person that kills for the sake of it which is wrong however, in my opinion sometimes it is valid me and my girl have suffered through murder, the quote eye for an eye is relivent and yes some case i agree.

  14. an eye for an eye

  15. Bring back the death sentence I say.. Prisons are too full anyways

  16. Sick minds should be put to death before they get as chance to murder... Why wait for some innocent person to die first? Or several?

    Yes, same if you are sick enough to kill in warfare or in capital punishment. Killing is killing no matter what your rationale for it is.

    We do not observe any improvement in number of murders per million residents when we have capital punishment after the crime is committed, so let's get them before they get anyone!

    Oh yes, some people have pointed to reduction in murders starting in 1990. and yes there were some tough-on crime initiatives that started before and after that time. It is just that we can not track any significant improvement starting from that time.

    It appears our improvement in murder and robbery stats began their shift, consistently, 16 years after each state removed penalties for abortion. It seems that killing babies has a benefit in terms of reducing murder rates 16 years later.

    Oh the irony!

  17. If you ever have to deal with murder in your own experiences it will always be the hardest thing you get through...It is 100% wrong and as for the punishment of murderers...wouldn't it be great to have an island...nothing reminicent of paradise for sure...but load the island full of murderers and give each one a pack of matches every few months and enough water to survive and other than that nothing...Let them go through the first night out there running and hiding from the other murderers. it will show them how to be prey not just predator...and the last step...forget about work nothing...take away all the things that they took from their victim...some will argue that they could get out and become a benifit to society, but I don't care...they took away their victims right to a career, family, who knows maybe they killed who would have been our future president or nobel prize winner....they are useless.

  18. they are sick and should be disowned and all the killers should be put away for life. not just the horrific ones.

  19. i hate them aswell, i say life for life, kill the b a s t a r d.

  20. well all the people who go to war and kill people are murderers. but as a result of conscription some of those have been forced, and people say they are fighting for their country.

    I think some times though you've got to look at why on earth someone would kill someone just for the sakes of it. and in a way i almost feel sorry for them when they did it because they got so angry, because they have to live with that guilt for the rest of their lives. and they have ruined their lives because they'll go to prison etc.

  21. no one likes murderers! I don't agree with a life for a life, but i believe they should be locked up for life

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