
What are we humans thinking?

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what are we humans thinking?

why won't somebody invent a greener car and use the car parts of today to make it?

why do we use gas its expensive and will run out someday?

why do we use coal...cant we use something better for the environment?

will someone just invent something!?

why do we have to deal with these evil carbon producing machines?

What will you do when gas goes up a dollar more?

what do you think of those who drive big ugly gas sucking hummers?

Where is the love?

oil spolls littering stealing murder....AAGGHHH enough already!!!!!!!

anyone else feel like i do?




  1. 1. Only a few of us are thinking anything.

    2. A. Hybrids are greener cars..

    ...B. Plug-in hybrids are coming and are greener.

    ...C. Pure electric cars are available now.

    .........a. Neighborhood cars .. low speed .. limited range.

    .........b. Conversion kits for cars and bikes.

    .........c. Custom conversions.

    .........d. Expensive hiway cars from new companies.

    .........e. Electric bicycles, motorcycles, scooter.

    .........f.  Four wheel bikes with electric assist.

    3. Gas is still cheaper than any other abundant energy supply today.. We are at the edge of the price where other forms are competitive.

    4. Coal is still the cheapest way to make electricity. That is also changing.

    5. People are inventing things as we speak. We just need the will to carry through.

    6. I will continue to try to reduce my use of gasoline and natural gas, using more efficent equipment and solar and wind power.

    7. I like big ugly gas sucking hummers but I wouldnt drive one. The facts of life are economic. They will improve in efficiency or die a natural death.

    8. Love is in our hearts. It is not often found in our pocketbooks.

    9. I am concerned about the situation, as you are and am doing my best to be a part of the solution instead of part of the problem. I have no bitterness about it though.. Human nature is what it is.

    10. Gripe all you want but do something too. Anything. However small. Suggestions:

    ......A. Put in efficient light bulbs in your house.

    ......B. Increase your attic insulation.

    ......C. Use Programmable thermostats to make your use of heating and cooling more efficient..

    ......D. Repair air leaks around doors and windows.

    ......E .Replace old windows with energy efficient ones if you can afford it.

    ......F. Put plastic film over your windows in the winter, if you cannot afford new ones.

    ......G. Put a timer on your hot water heater.

    ......H. Turn off lights and appliances when they are not being used.

    ...... I.  Completely disconnect electrical and electronic appliances when not in use except freezers and refrigerators.

    ......J.  Plan your trips better to use less gas.

    ......K. Drive cars that get better mileage.

    ......L. Walk and ride bicycles as much as possible.

    *These suggestions should actually result in your using half or less than half of you the amount of energy you presently use, without spending a ton of money.

    Regards, Easy Eddie

  2. yes, i feel you. But, you need to learn somethings about economics before you throw coal and gas into the dump. With every new resource, there are different ways it gets rid of the energy emitted. So I imagine in a few years we'll be talking about better ways to help the environment with are already adapted machines.

  3. Not really, of all the Hummers, the H-1 is my favorite, but I would   rather have an old military one. And when gas goes up a dollar more, I will just pay the extra 20 bucks it costs to fill my tank every other week.

    Lilly K: I think you mean extra chromosome, not brain cell, bwa ha ha ha.

  4. Humans are pretty resourceful when their backs are to the wall.

    Improve your carbon footprint.  Empower yourself by learning more about the problems, so you can involve yourself in the solutions.

  5. with the cars, they have already made one. my mum wants to buy it when it gets lower in price.

    ppl are trying hard to create stuff that is beta for the enviroment, but also things that don't cost TOO much.

    cuz otherwise we'd be poor.

    i think that with the desolination plant, that we should not put the salt back in the sea, but sell it in the supermarkets insead of having ppl go into the desert and mine for salt.

  6. Humans are thinking of ways to profit from the current energy prices and they're coming up with some good alternatives.

    Greener car? Tata Motors in India is going to begin selling one that runs on compressed air. I am skeptical about this due to some fundamental thermodynamics issues but we'll see. There are more electric cars and hybrids on the way as well.

    Gas? QSI Quantumsphere may soon make hydrogen widely and cheaply available for fuel and fuel cells, they claim their materials make electrolysis 85% efficient which may make it possible you can produce the hydrogen as you drive instead of having to store it in a tank in your car.

    Ethanol from switchgrass (not corn) : "yields from a grass that only needs to be planted once would deliver an average of 13.1 megajoules of energy as ethanol for every megajoule of petroleum consumed".

    Solar thermal power plants are being built in Nevada that are much cheaper than plants using photovoltaic cells and they project they'll cost no more per kilowatt/hour than coal-fired plants.

    Dozens of nuclear power permits are being considered, adopting new techniques since the last US plant came on line a generation ago.

    There is nothing wrong with carbon or CO2, without it you would be dead. It's essential for life on Earth and it's not a pollutant, it's a gas the same as oxygen. We don't produce CO2, we release it from where nature stored it in fossil fuels, so blame mother nature for putting it there if you want.

    Oil is predicted to reach $150-$200 a barrel within 6-24 months, which will cause gas prices to go up much more than $1 a gallon. At some point people will stop buying H2s because they won't be able to afford to drive them. Part of the increase is because of the weak US dollar but we're in a bidding war with China and India for the oil we used to take for granted. Maybe at some point we'll be able to explore for oil in the US again, possibly even extract some that we know is in ANWR, but I think environmentalists would rather see us freezing to death than inconvenience a caribou up there.

  7. We all feel like you do!

    But each person has two selves. There is the political self, and then there is the personal self.

    For example:

    Your political self votes for the candidate with a better green policy.

    Your personal self leaves the AC on all summer.

  8. At times I don't believe that we do think. There are many ways that we could do differently that would help our environment. For example: If you live in a city you could use public transportation or ride a bicycle to get around. Recycling will help too. As for an over all power source, there is hydroelectric, wind, and solar power that can be used.

  9. Because there is no economically viable alternative.  In some cases, such as nuclear power, the problems are more political than economic.  If you want to eat, the food must be planted, harvested, and transported -- all of which takes energy.

  10. i feel da same kinda its prob just cuz ppl dun know how 2 make dese stuff n also cuz it might seem easier to say den do.......... or cuz dey dun have da right materials/ way to expensive! lolz but i totaly agree sumone shuld just try sumthin out instead of layin on deir a s s e s lolz!

  11. 1 or 2

  12. I'm thinking were doing to much thinking and not enough acting

  13. So why dont YOU just invent something? You make it sound so simple. Lets see what you can come up with? Or are you just going to sit around complaining and waiting for somebody to someday do it? Everybody is waiting for somebody, maybe its time for you to be somebody?

  14. I don't think that most humans think. Except the few of us, (You, me, a few others) that actually have brain cells.

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