
What are you not nervous about?

by  |  earlier

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Are there things that you know you are meant to be nervous about but your really not?! Do you embrace the idea of death. Do you love the feeling of falling even though you know you shouldnt? Im just really interested to know since i saw someones question "What are you nervous about" and reading peoples responses made me think about things im really not nervous about.




  1. When worry takes over, insecurity and nerves frail. Anxiety kills! Not in a position to help is my anxiety.

  2. Death. I am actually looking forward to death because then I'm just going to heaven. :) (at least that's what I believe).

  3. I'm always nervous! I get nervous whenever I have to do something big, like playing an opponent in a match, or taking a test. I always do silly mistakes and s***w up :(

    But yes, I'm not afraid to embrace death. That's the only way to live.

    "You have to learn to die before you can  learn to live."

    It's a deep quote that has helped me throughout life!

  4. when i cheer im nervous about dropping someone and it drives me crazy

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