
What are you thoughts on this?

by  |  earlier

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okay so today I saw this girl at school (she was in highschool and looked about 16) who had drawn those black lines (like football players) under her eyes. She has a very unique style and seemed very...comfortable with herself. Anyway, I wasn't quite sure if I thought it was really cool or really weird. what are you thoughts?




  1. ew thats weird.

  2. she's just expressing her style :)

    like anyone!

    i'm prep scene tomboy decora cute elegance gyaru(princess style) girl:)

  3. unless shes about to run around with a football, i think its kinda weird.

    its like random.

  4. well she seams like shed be fun to hang out with =]

    but i think if you really wanted to c if shes cool or weird you should get to know her more first lol

    but just from that idkkkkk

  5. I think it's cool that she's okay with herself to wear that.

  6. I think it's totally weird. But hey. It's your life do what you want with it. If she wants to draw black lines on her face then all the more power to her. There are no rules in makeup. Have fun with it

  7. definitely weird.  

  8. Maybe she's into Death Metal, like Angela Gossow from Arch Enemy (who has those stripes under the eyes onstage often)

  9. I have the same thoughts as you actually she MUST be comfortable with herself in order to just think of wearing that. Wow, you must have been shocked to see a person wearing that without feeling embarassed or strange. Anyways my feelings about a bit not all together but that girl has some SURE gut to go around with that style =]  

  10. wierd. heeehee but cool

    a cool wierd person :]

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