
What are your intentions?

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What are your intentions?




  1. "Every tree that does not bring forth good fruit is presently hewn down and cast into the fire. In gaining an entrance into the kingdom of heaven, it is the motive that counts. My Father looks into the hearts of men and judges by their inner longings and their sincere intentions."

  2. I intend to be pure, brave, brilliant, financially secure.

    Now I place my intentions in one hand, and I, ahem, spit in the other.  

    Which hand has more in it?

  3. To find out if you are a rasta

  4. To give u a suitable answer .

  5. I intend to be more present, more of the time. I intend to take good care of myself, my family and my pets. I intend to keep on learning, and keep on writing. I intend to be kind, considerate, and thoughtful in my relations with others. I intend to be published in the near future. I intend to raise thoughtful, kind, self reliant kids who care about the needs of others, and are empathic and careful with their words and actions. I intend to "Be the Change I wish to see in the World" by thought and deed. I intend to keep growing, and I intend to share what I have learned.

  6. "Good".

  7. Fine ill put the bat a way

  8. Happiness for myself and others.

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