
What are your phobia's?

by  |  earlier

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mine are..any kid of spider, cockroaches, most insects, bigfoot, airports, airplanes before take off..




  1. Mine will be height and burglary.

  2. Most of my fears are irrational.  

  3. Submereged objects,

    drains (except for bathroom sinks),

    Lights, air jets etc in pools and spas,

    storms (when I'm outside or alone),

    argh there's more but I can't be bothered to list them all.  

  4. I have OCD so lots of things

  5. Normally I drew car but when drive bike ofcourse fast on the road, I feel fear some time.

  6. I'm terrified of zombies! Mostly Ju-on...

  7. them dogs en snakes

  8. hieghts, the dark, and small enclosed spaces

  9. My main one is dentists. After that it's globophobia (fear of balloons). I also have a fear of answering the phone.

  10. Mine Are Spiders. EEEEEEEEEEEEW

  11. I concetrate on desires in life, that way there is no time or place for phobias.

    Be passionate about serious things like hobbies, friends, home making, and the there will nowhere in your mind for these things to lurk,  

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