
What are your phobias?

by  |  earlier

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i have none that i can think of really, but i guess i would be claustrophobic if i was in a tight space and couldn't move at all, not even an inch




  1. Acrophobia.  I can't sleep in tall buildings or get near any ledge whatsoever if it is over about 20 feet high.

  2. Im deffinately claustrophobic too. I get really impatient when im in small spaces and i FREAK out and want to like hit anyone that trys to touch me..its a problem though if im at conerts and in a mosh pit haha.

    But my others phobias are DEFFINATELY needles and knives, they scare me sooo bad. I also am afraid of stairs and escalators..i always feel scared and my legs start to shake a little..i guess i think im gonna fall? dont know haha.

  3. Arachnophobia.  At the height of my phobia, last year, I had visions of them crawling up the back of my chair, being in my bed, giant ones walking around outside.  I also had panic attacks when I'd see one, and for some reason, during that time I had many close encounters with them. I've only just been able to say the 'S' word and I made myself watch a bunch of tarantulas on tv the other day, which was a miracle.

    It's definitely tied up with anxiety, and as my anxiety levels are lowering, the phobia is subsiding.

  4. I don't have any. In fact, I'm so well adjusted it scares me.

  5. One phobia I have is heights. I can stand a high place if I'm in a building or something, but if I'm not in an enclosed area, I don't like that.

  6. agoraphobia

  7. i am terrified of sharks...and like being in the water with if im swimming in the ocean...i am so afraid that one is like gonna bite me underwater...and i am rele rele afraid of at an amusement park...

  8. I have the fear of becoming paranoid. LOL. Honestly, the fear of heights. I made myself get over it when I was younger because of a job I really wanted. But I've moved on now, and haven't practiced getting in high places. The fear has come back with a vengeance. I can't even watch TV when workers stand on i-beams many stories above the ground on a construction project. I have to look away. Sad, huh.

  9. Snakes (especially with red eyes) and spiders(especially tarantulas)


  11. Crumbaphobia

    The fear of crumbs.

    I dunno if its real, but I made it up about 5 years ago because I am afraid of crumbs.
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