
What are your thoughts on aborition(sp?)?

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i think that murder is murder , even if its an unborn baby....but not judging anyone..i want to know your guys' views so i can get my own thoughts on it straightened out




  1. it is a personal choice or a couples choice.  There are so many different reasons why a person/couple would want/need to have a abortion.  I am not well versed in most of the topics.  So I will not try to go there.  The time period of when a abortion will be allowed to happen like or not.  That is one topic pertaining to abortions that is important to me.  There are 6.3 billion humans on this earth.  Who are we to say what is right or wrong.

  2. its each womans individual choice. if someone wants to get an abortion, theyre not going to change their mind about it because someone on yahoo calls them a baby killer. if it was as wrong as people say it is, wouldn't it be illegal? get over it. obviously if a woman is choosing to get an abortion, they dont want that baby for whatever reason and by guilt tripping someone into having a baby they dont want the child will not have a good life. come on now.  

  3. I would say to each their own, I would never ever in my life have an abortion and I don't think its fair, my thoughts, what did the baby ever do? Even if it was an accident or rape things happen for a reason and you could be killing the person destined to cure cancer or aids but thats just me, I don't judge anyone if they do it though if it were a friend even though I wouldn't agree I would be supportive and not tell her anything about my views, its such a touchy subject I think opinions between pro-life and pro-choice should really be kept to each persons own view, leave it at I would never have an abortion but Im not going to condemn or speak badly to people who choose pro-choice.

    Its a personal choice and no one should be condemned for how they feel on it again because it is so touchy and so personal it should be kept at that personal.

    :0) Hope that helped a little bit.

  4. I am pro life

  5. I think abortions should be available upon demand in the doctors office. Even have vans come round to houses with midwives and preform them in the home if required, no restrictions, no questions asked at all. For free.

  6. I think a woman has the right to choose.... whether or not to have s*x.

    If you don't want a baby, don't have s*x.  It can happen, even with protection.  People do live without s*x (I'm going on 31 years), and don't die.  It is not a right or even a basic human need.  It is an act that can come with serious  consequences.  Having a child is a huge responsibility, and since that is a possibility when you have s*x, it is not a risk that should be taken by people who are not prepared to spend the next 18 years of their lives looking after a child.  

    I believe that it is a selfish thing to take a risk that involves another person's life.  A baby is a person from the moment of conception.  If you kill that person, you are a murderer.  You will have to live with that the rest of your life.

    Our laws even sort of support that.  If you kill a pregnant woman, the charge is 2 murders.  But if a woman wants to kill her own baby, it's ok??  Doesn't make sense.  So is the definition of a person whether or not it is wanted?  That's just sad.

    The rape issue is much more difficult, but as a believer in Christ, the only thing I can say is that if God allowed you to become pregnant in that situation, He has something amazing in store for you and that child.  My best friend had something like that happen, and she even tried the abortion pill the next day and it didn't work.   Now she is sure that her son is a special gift from God with a great purpose.

  7. I believe it is every woman's right to decide for herself if she wants to have a baby. Until birth control is taught at an earlier age to EVERYONE, is cheaper and more easily accessible, then abortion is a necessary evil.  

  8. Abortion is a personal matter between a woman and her doctor.

  9. i think its acceptable in some cases, not all!!

    1. if the woman has been raped and the child is conceived then

    2. if the baby will bring risk to the mothers health

    3. if the father has abandoned the mother and the mother can not afford the baby

    4. if the mother has to face social pressure, for example, honnor killing ( ya, its still practiced in rural saudi arab, india, pakistan ...!!)

    5. if she will be disowned by her family

    6. if she knows for sure that the baby is infected with deadly disease, such as aids, or cancer.( if the mother has aids/ cancer, the baby in the womb can have it too).

    ...............these are the main reasons i think a woman can get an abortion without consulting others, as it is her life and she will conceive the baby after all. but simple reasons like, i have two kids already and the third one makes it not my way for abortion, call that murder. :)  

  10. I agree with you, as soon as the sperm and the egg meet, an egg is fertilised hence a baby is formed so its still living, it has a heart which is beating so yes, abortion is murder and is totally wrong

  11. I agree with you, I think it's murder whether it's fully formed or not. Nobody has the right to play God, choosing who lives or dies - that's wrong and goes against one of the Amendments.  

  12. Pro life all the way

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