
What are your thoughts on smoking?

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Do you think it is attractive or unattractive? Good or bad? Should be illegal or legal?




  1. you have got to be kidding me.

    attractive wtf.

  2. unattractice, bad, should be illegal but will never be because it makes the country a whole lot of you really have to ask, its simple stuff if u say its good....ur prolly a smoker, if u think its attractive ur prolly very unattractive and the other part is just point of view

  3. Don't bother me, I won't bother you.  

  4. i hate smoking its nasty... it makes your teeth really gross it practicaly kills you. just dont do it plz theres already too many people it this world that do it!!!!

  5. Better than being on fire I suppose..........

  6. smoking is horrible. i'd never date someone who smoked

    every person i walk by thats smoking i say smoking is bad for you

    really immature but it makes them think haha

  7. i don't find smoking cigarettes to be unnatractive like everyone else and the smell doesnt bother me... and who doesn't love smoking weed?


    I don't even know why they let people sell it.  

  9. It is unfortunately attractive cuz our culture made it so.  But it should be illegal and I wish I hadn't started cuz I have been smoking now for over 20 years.  If you never start, you can't get addicted.  

  10. Since this is America, it's your choice to smoke or not smoke.  I dislike it A LOT (it is the main cause of my lung disease, second hand smoke).. I don't think it should be illegal.  IMO..It shouldn't be allowed in closed areas with non-smokers.

  11. The world thought it was bad and in poor taste when cigarettes appeared in the late teens and early twenties but soon the world was smoking and it became all the rage until we started quitting in droves in the 90's and 2 oughts.  Then the world thought it was bad.

    There used to be a wonderful poetess named Po3ticMi$tr3$$ and she would post real pretty poems here on Y/A and sometimes she would write about the damage she had dome to her lungs and her family and here poetry by smoking, but she like me knew that once addicted it was harder to kick than any other drug because is is right there, in the checkout line; in your face at the door of any non-smoking establishment and it is cheaper than any street drug know to man.

    When I came on Y/A I was wondering which of us would go first, but God chose to give me a little more time on the planet and Po3ticMi$tr3$$ stopped posting and when I click on her profile I get a polite little message informing me that the information is not readily available as if she just stepped out, but I know she passed away without so much as a sigh here on Y/A  so this is my chance to write her epitaph and say goodbye.  So I will leave you with one that I saved.

    Sweet Dreams


    Dear Santa

    Dec 20, 1998

    Dear Santa,

    How are you this year?

    I've been a real good boy

    I was in remission and

    Would like a 'tinker' toy

    Mum's helping write this letter

    So it gets to you on time

    Besides, there are big words to learn

    and I haven’t had the time

    I loved the puppets you brought me

    Last year when I was three

    But, I was weak and bed ridden

    So the staff did a show for me.

    I wish all the kids had saw it

    It was really quite silly

    But, there are only 4 kids left

    Including little me

    Remember Tommy Jamerson,

    my 12 year old best friend?

    Well, an angel came and took him

    to be at Gods right hand.

    I miss Tommy really bad but,

    He left me with this gift

    A baseball hat for my bare head

    I think of him when wearing it.

    Susan got to go home for

    Christmas time this year!

    She got that liver transplant

    And is doing fine I hear.

    Santa, the doctor just came in

    And I'm feeling quite amiss

    I can write more later

    after my dialysis.- ♪Po3ticMi$tr3$$♫

  12. Not so attractive these days.Hollywood also don'tot focus now much on smoking heros as they used to do years back.Maybe the long list of diseases attributed to smoking has made them cautious.Smoking is  a very strong risk related to heart attack, stroke,lung cancer,stomach ulcers and cancers,mouth cancer,eosphageal cancer,bladder cancer,chronic obstructive lung diseases,small vessel occlusive diseases of the legs etc.So it is bad. IT should be illegal to smoke in public places because passive inhalation of the smoke by an innocent fellow can expose him to all these risks as a smoker.So it is a nonsmokers right to demand smoking to be illegal in public places and restaurents.

  13. I dont look down at them because I used to be a smoker and I loved smoking, so we should leave them alone.  It should be legal, let them  be happy.  Dont bother them.

    But I would ask them  to consider quitting, they will feel and look better.

  14. It is unattractive and a bad habit that eventually takes a toll on everyone you love. Not only does it show disregard for your health (as other nasty habits do), but those who you love. It is a very selfish action, one is self absorbed in gratifying there needs to an extent that they are willing to die for it ... with no respect for there loved ones ...

    Then if we are fortunate ... we as US taxpayers get to take care of your healthcare ... when you have COPD and Lung Cancer!

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