
What are your view on Weed?

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I've smoked a lot actually and I would like to know your views on it. If it was legalized would you try it Why or why not, no ones wrong here because it's your opinion that i would like to hear.




  1. I'm against it!

    Just because it is not as bad as alcohol doesn't make it good.

    Rape is not as bad as genocide but it doesn't mean you should let people commit rape.

  2. No because smoking it legalized still makes you a dope-a-saurus.

  3. I'm not saying I smoked it, but if I did I'd feel like there really wasn't much in it for me and I would be wholly apathetic from a personally point of view but politically I'd be in full support of weed's legalization because it's certainly not as dangerous as alcohol or cigarettes or even a continued use of aspirin.

    Moreover, by the law of diminishing sacks, our country would eventually run low on it and its usage would level out. Plus, think of the taxes! Legal pot would be a economic miracle.

    It's sort of like how I theoretically used to drink a lot because it's unacceptable at my age, and how I'm theoretically not going to drink at all when it's legal because there's no danger.

    I feel like I'm just all over the place with this because I'm trying to keep it relatively short. I swear this sounds more like stoner logic than it is.

  4. I think its ok to use every once in a while. its not a good thing at all, but there are worse drugs  

  5. I did it quite often in my teen and early 20 years. It was soothing and I never got in trouble while doing that, however, I can't say the same thing for alcohol. I really find nothing wrong with it unless you are driving or doing it in front of your children. I would still today if my work didn't have random drug tests. I wouldn't do it all the time, but occasionally at home just to chill, and sleep well ;)

  6. No, I would never try weed - no matter if it was legalized. I'm not into things like that.

    I've seen too many go from just smokin' weed to injecting heroin..scary stuff.

    I agree with some of the others above about legalizing weed.

  7. My view is that weed should be legalized. Marijuana has never ever been proven to cause sickness or cancer unlike cigarettes. It's hypocritical. Cigarettes are MUCH more dangerous than weed, but don't expect them to outlaw cigarettes soon, considering the tobacco have a lot of power with its lobbying

  8. live it love it 420 peace love and bud

  9. If it were legal, I'd be a chain smoker.  

  10. It looks like it fried your brain because your English, grammar,  and punctuation lacks a lot.  If you're an example of what happens when you smoke it, I'll pass, thanks.

    But, that's just MY opinion.

  11. i smoke weed every now and then. i love it. it lets u see things differently. they should definitly legalize it. weed doesnt hurt anyone, alcohol does. i would rather they make alcohol illegal and make weed legal. ppl criticize it because they havent tried it and if they did try it i think their point of view would change.

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