
What book is this?? Please help!!!?

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Ok so one day I went to Border's the book store and i read the description of this book that I forget what is called but this is what it is about... So there is this girl who needs to loose weight so she goes to like an exersize camp and this other girl who is going is going because her parents want to, but since her parents bugged her so much about her weight she decides to secretly walk to places and eat junky food. And thats all I no about the book. So if anyone knows the book title please tell me cause i really want to read it!! And if this helps I think the cover of the book had like marshmellow or cookies on it!!! Help me!!!! 10 easy points!!!




  1. It's called 'Huge' by sasha paley :)

    I read it also! hahaha.

  2. oh well i was going to say The Clique Series Summer Edition: Dylan,

    until you said that it had marshmellows or something on it.


    but, sorry, i guess i dont know! :(

  3. Hi!

    You may try the forum links below , I hope you find your book - good luck .


  4. I believe you are looking for 'This Book Isn't Fat, It's Fabulous' by Nina Beck.

    "From a wealthy, snarky social scene to a fat camp resembling "a foreign country filled with geeks," 16-year-old Riley's narration is hilarious and fresh. She's busy being in unrequited love with male best friend D (who doesn't even have the "decency" to be g*y) and IMing with a stranger online when her distracted father and almost-stepmother "Elizabitch" exile her to fat camp. Saucy Eric, the camp director's son, picks her up from the train station and they begin to trade barbs full of delicious sexual tension. Why is her picture already in his pocket, and should she say "You're a freak" or "Let's make out" or "I like your nail polish"? (It's red.) Lying is a big theme; Riley knows all along that she's fabulous and fine without any weight-loss lessons, but a major crying meltdown helps her open up emotionally. Despite a few narrative glitches (the fat camp's brochure erroneously and inexplicably claims that it "specialize[s] . . . in eating disorders"), this girl has flair."

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