
What brings you joy...?

by  |  earlier

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...when you need it most?




  1. Simple answer...s*x

  2. Channel 4 and phoning up companies to sing their theme songs before hanging up :0

  3. Seeing joy in others, well when they share it with me.

  4. my job.

  5. This forum

  6. My children.

  7. when you need it most?

    It's hard to feel happy when you're feeling like sh*t.

    Hope that there will be a better day, that you shall overcome, is what usually gets me through.

  8. My best friend.. but he's gone :(

  9. recently? being able to be alone...srsly

  10. a familiar face  

  11. my daughter!

    she is joy!

  12. A good joke. Just the thought of making somebody I love happy, just putting a smile on their face. And then there's always chocolate.

  13. Free stuff !

  14. People bring me joy.  

  15. A smile on the face of a friend.

    A hand to hold.

    Sharing the things that give me joy.


    Using what gifts I have well.

  16. a spliff before s*x, a spliff after, something to eat, a good movie to watch, another spliff and sleep.

  17. The moonlight ....

  18. What bring me joy in an instance??..SABRINA..thats my girl..been with her for the past 8 years since we were 16 untill now...seeing her smiling can bring pure-simple yet pure and beautiful joy to my heart..even in the worst, most awful situation I can possibly her very much.

  19. Friends ...

  20. s**y avatars

  21. Love, affection, hugs

  22. y! answers (sad i know hahahaha) and music

  23. My dog.  She will always love me... will always be there when I'm feeling down... and isn't capable of judgement... so no matter what I do wrong, she's always look at me the same exact way.

  24. others misery

  25. Comedy!

  26. the book twilighttt ahhaha and chocolate and food and friends and the sun and my beroom and clothes and movies and family

  27. my friends and my bf. he gives me all the happynes he can give and i am so greatfull for him.

  28. answering your questions

  29. this place or my cute little(fricken huge) dog

  30. Walking up to a complete stranger, grabbing there shirt and saying "Deseo morder su cuello y aspirar su sangre."

  31. a kind word from a friend, whether it be a lover or just a friend.

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