
What can 2 teenge girls do????

by  |  earlier

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we will do anything were soooo boreddd




  1. run around your house doing cartwheels and yelling=]

  2. Learn how to spell.

  3. truth and dare

    computer games

    board games

    hop scoch


    fare factor

    watch a movie

    play with pets

    run around

    play 1 on 1 tag

    1 on 1 basket ball

    1 on 1 volly ball

    make overs



    lisen to music

    walk around like modles to music but when you get at the end of your runway add a silly movement like brack dancing

    do you have bebo or myspace descorat it or make 1

    dance around

    secret circal (tell each other secrets)

    hope i helped

  4. ok don't say anything  guys would tell you to make out..if you have a youtube account make youtube videos

  5. Read a book. (Psst. Pay special attention to the spelling and grammar. ;-) ) Watch a movie. Play a game. Call some friends. Work out. Sing karaoke. Play video games. -yk

  6. Do something childish that you haven't done in a really long time. Like a water balloon fight.

    Or like prank calls. Those never get old if you come up with unique ideas. (try youtube)

  7. eat

  8. Make a video... that was always a favorite of my best friend and I

  9. Hey there Girls!  I will tell you what my granddaughter and I do sometimes, which she adores!  We each letter our page from A to Z.

    Here's the scenario:  We pretend that someone has told us that in the next ? minutes we must choose a name per alphabet letter that we would like to name our child.  Whatever names we write down are the names we've chosen for our child.  We'll do girls, then boys!  We come up with some very pretty names...and then share our lists.  It's lots of fun, especially if you're into neat names!

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