
What can I give my cat?

by  |  earlier

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She is haveing trouble peeing.Sometimes there is nothing coming out or she meeauws when she pees, I live far from any vet, I am calling the vet later 2day, but it is frustrating me that she can't pee. What will work for her 2 relieve (what obviously looks like she is in pain) her pain?




  1. Just try to get her to drink plenty of water until you can get to the Vet, I do not reccomend you giving her any kind of med. without being checked.

  2. If she's not peeing at all, you need to get her in now as she might be blocked.  Normally, females don't have this problem, but they do occasionally and it can kill within several hours.  If she's peeing but it hurts, later today is fine.

  3. I dunno


  4. She probably has a urinary tract infection.  Nothing you can do really...bring her in ASAP tomorrow.

  5. It sounds like a urinary tract infection. You really do need to get her in to see a vet, they will prescribe her a medication to clear up the infection. There is nothing you can do to help her except to bring her in to the vet...urinary tract infections are very uncomfortable and sometimes even painful to kitties just as they are to humans. Please get her some help :o)

  6. The other posters are right. It does sound like your cat has a urinary tract problem. This is very unusual in a female cat. Most cases occur in older neutered male cats. The best thing you can do is to encourage her to drink water, which dilutes the urine and makes it less painful to pass. That's really all you can do until you can get her to a vet.

  7. I'm glad to see your taking your cat to the vet. Her kidneys are being destroyed as we speak if she can not urinate and the longer you let this go on, the closer she is to death.  

  8. Get your cat to the vet immediately. PLEASE.  Try to find an emergency 24 hour vet clince.  The pressure on her bladder does need to relieved.  Do not give her any medicine - human medicine such as tylenol etc is toxic to cats,  GET HER TO THE VET ASAP.

  9. she has a bladder infection. we treat our kitties with homeopathy but you have to know a vet homeopath or you have to know a little about homeopathy. there are remedies in stores that you can give. our cat is old and does well with apis sometimes, aconite if we left her outside in the cold dry air too long, rhus-t if we left her out on a rainy day (even an hour can trigger the bladder infection). phosphoric acid is her standby that helps most. stores have homeopathic remedies and you can order online. i hope you see a vet soon. they are in pain and keep trying, even outside the box, because they are confused. poor thing. i wish i knew of something you might have in your house. maybe cranberry juice, just a few drops of non-sugared kind (like women take), but i don't think you can do that for a cat. get the homeopathy to use then get to the vet asap.

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