
What can I learn on guitar?

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I've been playig for about 7 months and I'm stuck I never took lessons I'm teaching myself I know scales and I'm tired of learning songs and I can't think of any new songs to learn anyways I cant think or find anything new to learn besides really advanced stuff please held I'm stuck.




  1. The key to good guitar playing is chords. If you've been playing scales & learning other songs for 7 months your fingering, picking, & speed should be decent. But make sure, you'll want those to be super strong before you advance too much more.

    Start studying chords. In one of Jimmy Buffett's books he wrote that he barely knows how to play, he learned for the social benefits in college, and went through most of his career knowing only three chords.

    Check out these sites for lessons, or web search for free guitar lessons:

    interesting fyi's: ACDC is some of the easiest rock guitar, we start most kids out on it, but you might be past that level.

    Some guitar players will use alternate tunings to make fretting the song easier. Keith Richards is one example. Many of the Stones' songs just cannot be played on a standard tuning. (my husband discovered after hours of frustrated plucking)

    Hope those sites inspire you, there are lots out there.

    Good luck & keep rocking!

  2. try some alternate picking techniques, look at guitar magazines like guitar world, guitar one, and guitar player and learn from other players at any guitar yeah look for new stuff there's way to much **** to say your "stuck",

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