
What can help my teeth?

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It feels more crooked now. Im 42. The front 2 teeth is going in and the other teeth next to them is going out. I feel weird. Should braces help?




  1. Go talk to a orthodontist

  2. yea they should

  3. you are talking about periodentits  so you have to visit the periodontist

    the braces cant help you if you still have the the base   problem

    so you have to visit the periodontist as possible asa you can after that he will tell you if you have to go to the orthodontist

    goood luck

  4. braces will help ... but because u are an adult i would suggest the invisilign  they are invisible.. and u wont haveto worry about loking like a 14 year old nerd

  5. ya! check with a orhtadontist as soon as posible, if you can offord it!

  6. I think braces would help, but another option you have is invisalign, which is pretty much like a retainer, and you can take it out when you eat and brush your teeth. The only thing that's not so good about it is you have to go to the orthodontist more often. If going there more doesn't take up too much of your time, then I think it would be good, but if you are a busy person, I think you should get braces. Choose whatever is best for you. I hope this helps!  :)

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