
What can i do with him?

by  |  earlier

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ok i have to go on a nine hour drive to see family for my sons first birthday. i thought ok he hates riding in the car just across town what will i do. so i thought about getting a dvd player well i waited and just got some dvds to try out to see if he likes them. i got Baby Faith ones just like the baby en. ones but they are about the bible they are pretty cool. well we got home and i put it in and with in five mins. he didnt want nothing to do with it. and that was with a big tv. he never watches tv at home. i do put little kids stuff on. we have the baby first channel but when i put it on 5 to 10 mins then he is done with it. he love to be on the floor and getting into stuff. he is very smart. he has 18 month toys and can do them already when a four year old couldnt do it. we will have our dog that he loves with us. but i just dont know what else to do. i dont want to listen to him cry the whole way. but i dont want to have to stop every 30 mins to change the dvd out, lol. i dont have a working outlet in my car so i would have to spend another 100 dollars to get another batter thing. help has any body been where i am at.




  1. *Be mentally prepared for crying.

    *Get a bag and put toys and books in it (some new, if possible) and give him one thing every so often.

    *Don't start out with the movie. Wait until he's bored and give it a try. If he makes it through one, then go back to the bag for awhile.

    *Plan to stop at least once per hour and let him out to run around. Take a ball to play with on stops.

    *Take a CD with children's songs. He might like hearing music. Or just sing songs to him.

  2. Here's a crazy idea...why don't you drive at night.  When he is ready to go to bed.  Give him a little benadryl (no, I'm not really for drugging for kids but if its necessary...)  and you hopefully will drive in peace.  If not, then have you tried the baby einstein videos?  They're really great and very relaxing too.  You can loop the dvd.  There is also a video called Baby Songs.   I don't know if you can get it on dvd but my nieces and nephew loved it.  Best of luck to you.

  3. there are play tables that attach to car seats.get him one, and bring all his favorite toys along with you in the car, and let him play with them in the car. When I had to take a road trip with my son I brought along his favorite toys and he loved it.

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