
What can i major in???

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i am a freshman in college and still haven't decided a major.i have a great background in music but it is hard to make a living. i really suck at math. i love science and do pretty well in them. i like to work slow or at my own pace. what would be a good major for me? something that i could have a successful career in. any help would be appreciated. :)




  1. Personally, I would major in music because I love music. Science is good too. Maybe you could try biology. That is a good field to get into.


  2. You could be a doctor.  a doctor has a lot to do with science.  You don't always work your own pace though.  Also a pharmacist could be very successful and pays good too.  It has a little slower pace than doctors i think...but im not sure about that.

  3. Thing is if you are undecided like I was back at first year ... is to take subjects in your area and go from that according to how you get along that year or by your grades. Further to help you, you should meet with a general liason or department liason, they are usually very experienced with many students that know where there career is heading too.I was like this and further more I worked to help after my graduate for student like this. Hopefully its helpfull

  4. Chemistry, biology, forensic sciences. To become a lab technician, environmental specialist, or CSI investigator!

  5. there is a nationwide shortage of Math and SCIENCE teachers..?

  6. You have the privilege of being selective with your education and career, and that is amazing in itself.

    If you like science, Chemistry and Physics is great. Forensic scientist make a decent living although most employers prefer a masters at minimum preferably a PhD. As far as science, you could also major in biology if you want to be a doctor and go to med school, doctors typically have a generous salary 100k or more. Being a doctor usually entails having a deep desire to help others that can’t be shaken easily. Science generally requires a lot of math, so if math isn't your thing maybe you could pursue other avenues. Also with a degree in science you could pursue dentistry school and dentists typically make 100k or more. Science degrees are typically fast paced, but if you like them it will come easily. Veterinary medicine is yet another possibility, with Vet doctors having their own practice making 6 figures as well.

    Architecture is a big field too. I once met an architect who is easily one of the richest men ive ever met face to face. Apart from that, i could tell he was skilled from the way his own home looked! Building a beautiful home for someone can bring to life peoples innermost happiness. Beware, a lot of geometry and math is involved for the sake of precision. If one thing is off, the whole thing is off.

    Do not be discouraged by the above being the only possibilities in science. Nursing is very much so science, and nurses are flat out amazing people that do gut-rentching unbelievable things. Nurses can make around 40-70k yr depending on weather or not you have a senior position, and you can even pursue a doctorate in nursing. Lab technicians, X-ray technicians, and diagnostic specialist are all commendable careers as well.

    If you like designing things, Engineering majors are some of the highest paid majors following their degree, usually starting at about 50,000-65,000/yr. Engineering has several paths to choose from, civil, chemical, biomedical, mechanical, etc, and there is usually a high demand for these professionals. With experience, engineers can easily make 80k/yr, if not 100k/yr. Degrees in engineering are considered some of the most difficult to get.

    Although most people can write, few can write with extreme precision and imagination, degrees in English or creative writing, if you’re calling, can be a world of success. Look at John Grisham, Dean Koontz, etc.

    If you like creativity and self-expression, try pursuing Music, Art, or Theatre. These majors are not well known to be money makers, but if your good at it and its your passion you will end up being successful due to the fact your heart is in it, it would follow naturally. Artist, musicians, and writers in demand can easily make a lot of money. Other forms of expression and creativity include Journalism and Broadcasting majors where you get to portray the story to an audience. These usually pay about 30-40k/yr unless you get a job for a news network of some sort, then your looking at 100k per yr or more

    If you like logic and enjoy debate and reasoning, you may want to consider majoring in philosophy which would be the most ideal of the undergraduate degrees to go on to law school and become a lawyer. Lawyers typically make about 100k/yr. In law you can interchange between acting/self expression and logic/reason. Beware though, law requires heavy logic, heavy reading, and public speaking. Logic of the law can be almost like math. A good flare for the dramatic can be useful as well. As a lawyer you can repair the lives of many people. The results of high impact lawsuits can literally change our framework of living and societal nature.

    If you enjoy teaching others and helping others over learning curves, consider being an educator. Professors are highly respected members of the community, and every subject needs a professor. Educators can usually make anywhere from 30-75k depending on the subject. Educators usually have very prestigious jobs.

    If you consider yourself to be interested in human nature and predicting the emotions and motives of others try psychology. Psychologist (different from a psychiatrist) help many people, and usually requires an advanced degree. Those with solid reputations and have a well known name can expect big bucks.

    If your imaginative and require strong mental energy go with digital arts, where you can design computer graphics as well as do much more.

    If you like public affairs and controversy and have strong social skills and care for the community, consider political science. Politics is very important, and having a job in the public sector can be very exciting. Experienced political scientist can make 80k/yr and many of them go into broadcasting to be political analyst.

    If you like enterprising new ideas, try business. Business degrees are highly practical. Contemporary America is nothing but business. Many choose to go onto business school, with advanced business degrees paying out 60-100k a more, or if you become a CEO or some type, 200k/yr. Also within the realm of the economy is finance and accounting. Many accountants have their own practice as well in which businesses are willing to pay a pretty penny for an intelligent sophisticated financial accountant.

    If you love computers but don’t know what to do, try computer science. Money is very good here, and you can enjoy having a lucrative career dealing with arcane technicalities the lay person sturggles with.

    REGARDLESS it is not the degree, it is the talent of the individual!!!!!!!!!

  7. A science teacher. You can also be a Chemical Engineer.

  8. what type of science do you like? perhaps you should try a chemistry major. think about what you like to do, and ask your advisor at your college
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