
What can....(plz answer asap)?

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what liquid substance can harden and look nice when its hard??? is cement good???resin??? or anything else perhaps??? i need to put it in a transparent "box" and harden it according to my "box". it needs to be able to harden....




  1. Resin will work.

    Are you pouring it into an actual "box"? If so, it will take forever to dry if you pour it all in at once. So what you can do is pour it in layers, each layer depth being dependent on the size of your "box".

    Allow time to set between each layer.

    Also, resin is very hard after it sets. So whatever you're making will turn out to be very sturdy & durable.

    Sounds like a fun project! Enjoy!!

  2. How about wax? It is very pretty when it hardens and if you mess up you can melt it and try again. No second chances with cement.

  3. Use polyurethane if you want the box to stay clear. . . They put this stuff on top of bars to protect the wood and give it a nice sheen :)  GL!!!

  4. Try a Polyester resin.

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