
What can vegans eat/ not eat?

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What can vegans eat/ not eat?




  1. This answer could soooooo easily be found with google.... it's asked so d**n often!

    Vegans can NOT eat anything that had anything to do with an animal - meat, dairy, byproducts, fats, leather (includes suede! & nubuck and whatever), wool, etc.

    We can eat anything else.

    Some vegans still eat honey, some do not.

    Some vegans don't pay attn to whether a product was tested on animals, most do.

  2. We eat fruits, vegetables, legumes, grains, nuts, seeds, herbs, spices, select flowers and fungi, oils and everything made from them.

    We don't eat meat, slaughter byproducts, dairy foods, eggs, honey, or ingredients derived from any of these things.

  3. anything that is not an animal biproduct.  

    no meat, no dairy, no eggs, no materials for clothing that is animal biproduct- ie leather

  4. Vegans (not to be confused with vegetarians) do not eat anything that is made from, or made by, an animal.

    Vegetarians, on the other hand, chose not to eat anything that used to be alive (a.k.a an animal).

    Vegans 'cannot' eat eggs. It comes from an animal. Vegetarians 'can'.

    Vegans do not drink milk. Vegetarians can.

    Etc. etc.

    Hope this helped!


  5. If it has animal in it then it is a no no. This includes anything from pig fat to processed sugar. There are many different levels of vegetarianism and veganism.

  6. is a great resource, as someone else mentioned. I find that dining out and purchasing 'prepared' vegan foods are the most difficult and I prefer to cook/bake/create my own vegan meals as there are some truly awful tasting concoctions out there. There are several foods that are vegan without being called such - find major brands that sell some or even several vegan friendly foods/staples and snacks at I've even discovered vegan friendly foods not on this list, but educating yourself is super important, and you will find that label is just a new necessary part of shopping when buying prepared foods. Veganism is definitely is a lifestyle change and not easy for everyone as it has been for me.

  7. Vegetables

    Buy a wide variety of vegetables, preferably the deep green and yellow-orange ones. White and sweet potatoes are excellent foods. Avocados are high in oil content; therefore, use them sparingly. Fresh vegetables are the best, frozen would be an acceptable second choice, with canned vegetables your last choice. Be sure to read the labels.


    Buy a variety of fresh, ripe fruits to use at breakfast with your whole grain cereals or at supper time. Apples are one of the best fruits. Citrus fruits are good, too.


    Eat many different types of whole grains, such as whole wheat, rye, oats, rolled oats, brown rice, millet, buckwheat, 100% cornmeal, and whole barley. Cook whole by themselves or in a mixture with other grains. For variety, grind them.


    Buy whole grain products, such as spaghetti and macaroni made from whole wheat, corn, spinach, artichokes, or soy flours. Check labels carefully.


    Legumes are dry beans and peas. For economy, buy these in bulk. Use a variety throughout the week or month. Good choices include pinto and red beans, garbanzos (chick peas), lentils, black beans, split peas (green or yellow), great northern, navy or white beans, and lima beans. Soybeans are high in fat and protein; thus, they should be used sparingly.

    Nuts & Seeds

    Use very sparingly. Nuts and seeds are classed as concentrated foods because of their high fat content. Limit nuts to 1/6 to 1/10 of the ingredients in loaves and casseroles. Almonds are the king of nuts for nutritional value.


    Make your own bread if at all possible. Read labels very carefully and choose whole grain breads and bread products as much as possible. Remember that the term "wheat flour" refers to white, refined flour.


    Some good choices are Norwegian Ideal whole grain flat bread, crispbread wafers, Ryquita crisp, rye bread, Hol-Grain Waferets, Finn Crisp, Rye Krisp. Some stores carry 100 percent whole wheat matzos - look for the variety made without eggs. Also, read labels carefully as some companies make product variations that may not be the best choices for a healthy diet.


    Sweet herbs often enhance the natural flavor of food. Most sweet herbs are available in supermarkets; however, natural foods stores often carry them in bulk at much lower prices.

  8. no animals products what so ever.

    No eggs, milk or meat (including fish - some 'vegos' eat fish)

    anyway they also usually dont wear any animal products either, so no wool or leather.

    And a true one will also not support animal testing in products.

    But mainly its to do with the food.

  9. Cannot eat - Any 'foods' that contains animals or is a by product of animals. Such as all meat (cows, pigs, chickens, fish, sea animals, turkeys, snakes, etc all their body parts), dairy (and it's byproducts such as whey, casein, butter, cheese, etc), eggs, and honey.

    For detailed information:

    Can eat - Everything else! (which is A LOT!) The main foods are water, fruits, vegetables, nuts (almonds cashews, hazelnuts, walnuts, etc), beans (black, pinto, baked, kidney, etc), seeds (flax, sunflower, pumpkin, sesame, hemp, etc), soy products (tofu, TVP, tempeh, fortified soy milk, miso, etc.) pulses, whole grains, legumes, quinoa, seiten, nutritional yeast and other yeasts, cereals, mushrooms and other edible fungi, couscous, quiona, bulgar chickpeas, seaweed, lentils, & vegetable, hemp, and flaxseed oils, plant meats, and plant milks. Brands: Amy's, Boca, Moringstar, Gardenburger, Tofurky. Which include vegetables (stuffed, sauteed, salad, fried, etc), beans (black, pinto, baked, kidney, refried in burritos or nachos), [vegan] soups, salads, pasta dishes, rice dishes, quinoa dishes, bean dishes, nachos, enchiladas, casserole's, tacos, pizza, sandwiches, cold and hot cereals, tofu scramble, tempeh bacon, burgers,  cakes, cookies, brownies, cupcakes, scones, pancakes. More:

  10. Try this website:

  11. they cant eat like geliten which is found in all chewy candy meat and obvious stuff, you also cant wear leather inc. shoes or any fur if u go vegan you will probobly get sick my friend followed a vegan system that is over 1000$ a year and she got so sick and almost died dont do it

  12. Crazily enough, there's still A LOT of ambiguity as far as what's considered to be "vegan" versus "vegetarian". My own definition of veganism, means no eating or using any kind of animal-derived product. That means no consuming any type of meat, dairy, or animal derivative (see link), and no using items that have animal byproducts in them (including things such as shampoo, clothing, styling products, etc.)  

  13. vegans can eat every thing except animal bi-products(eggs milk cheese ect. but those can be subsatuted by soy)  and meat(including fish lol)

  14. nothing that comes from an animal at all no animal fat oils or milk or anything at ALLL no butter no nothin!

    and they can eat whatever else there is

  15. 100% no animal products; meat, milk, honey, eggs, etc. They also don't use products from animals like leather.

  16. my sisters vegan, kinda, but its only really about KFC. she saw a video on them slaughtering chickens and now shes supervegan, she wont eat eggs cause she says theyre chicken abortions. so obviously, being the big brother that i am i get all my friends together to enjoy a nice extra crispy 12 piece bucket.

  17. Lots of veggies, tea, toast (wheat), fruit, tofu, ect..

    No eggs, jello, leather, cheese

  18. vegetables, fruits, grains, and legumes

    The majority if vegans though eat: beans, pastas, tofu, lentils, nuts, breads and pastas.

    Basically all of the food that has protein because the majority of meats and products such as eggs and milk that you cant eat are the ones that have the most protein.

    Just make sure if you are going vegan you get enough protein into your body daily. Its very important

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