
What can we make ourself God?

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Instead of trying to worship an invisible being or whining about his nonexistence why don't we start taking matters into our own hands? Let's use genetic engineering, cloning, robotics, etc. Agree?




  1. You can make yourself your own God by how you view yourself.

  2. It sounds to me like you have already accomplished making yourself a God... that would be you.  

  3. That would depend on which god you want to become...

    You may need to add additional limbs, or become immaterial, know everything, have the head of a crocodile,or (to be realistic) just stop existing.

  4. there is only one God and He loves you too.

  5. What are you going to do when it breaks or tries to kill you? you know, the thing about the wooden idols in the bible is that it was just a piece of wood. God made things happen. robotics need oil, parts, genetic engineering... well, I don't know about that. sounds an awful lot like something could go wrong. cloning... I kinda like being an original. I think I'll stick with God. Feel free to join me.  

  6. Or....all of them at the same time!

    Its perfect!

  7. scientific advances will hasten our evolution and in the short term divide our poualtion between those who can and cannot afford genetic advancements

    humanity is about to become a biological terrorist -  what is a few millennnia in time in comparison to risking our evolution.  in our need to hurry up our biological evolution we might go s***w our whole capacity to evolve completely

    as science has shown no matter how hard it tries to keep test subjects and nature separate science can't do it forever the higher containment / lab testing time requireed the higher the possibility of failure - proper containment isn't theoretically beyond science but it is practcially beyond it and the value of the science is brought into question by this flaw,  genetic crops, the ebola virus, africanised bees, sars, to name but a few failures of containment.

    Law allows only the smallest of margins and theretical science awards it's self a free hand on disemination of "advance" by it's own practical failings.

    The field of science itself is amoral and until that changes we could get much more screwed by it than we have so far .

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