
What can you do with gourds?

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What can you do with gourds?




  1. Allow them to completely dry .  Now you can paint them different designs and place around the house.  Also if you can cut a small hole in the side and slip a small branch inside and allow it to be a perch for birds nesting site.  MMMMMMM  Give to a daycare and allow the kids to color them and make them into shaking toys.  Just let your imagination run wild

  2. They can be hollowed out, dyed, and used for bird houses, in particular, martin houses.

  3. Depends on what size/ shape. We used to collect the small round ones and let them dy.  Then sanded  and spray painted for Christmas tree decorations, still using them after 20 yr. I grew Calabash and made a pipe ( like Sherlock Holmes ) Have used larger ones for birdhouses. One year grew Bushel Gourd and made a toy box for my kids.

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