
What career is good for me?

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Career question.....any suggestions?

I was wondering if you could help me. I have no idea what career I want to go into. You would think that since I started thinking before freshmen year by now i would have made up my mind but I think I'm even more confused lol. If you can't help I completely understand. I know you are busy and such so I'm sorry if I bother you. Don't feel obliged to help.

If you can help let me tell you a few things about myself. I took speech this summer and I loved it. My favorite class besides bio. I like to speak infront of people and inform them. There was this kid that was having a hard time w/ one of his speeches. So i helped him gave him tips and helped organize his speech. I think it was either his 3d or 4th time he had to redo his speech and after I helped him he finally passed. I really like helping people and advising them. I have to work w/ people. I love working w/ others and need that kind of environment. I also really like biology it's so interesting. I like to do research and learn new things. I like to be in charge. I can be a follower but I would definitely rather be the leader. Hmm I also love organizing and planning things. I like to put things in order and I like structure. Im not creative or artistic at all lol. I like to make lists and follow a schedule. And I love kids. I like to solve problems. I like challenges and im pretty patient. Thats all I can think of lol.

What career path would you think fits me best?

Thanks :)




  1. Have you thought about teaching and/or tutoring?  

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