
What caused the fall of Troy?

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Please be specific. I know about the Trojan War and what was the cause but i want to know what caused the fall of Troy.




  1. Troy fell twice in myths and in history as well. I am not certain what answer you seek. The first fall was when Priam was a baby named Podarces then, and the second was when he was an old man. His father Laomedon was often in trouble for cheating the wrong beings. He refused to pay Poseidon for building a wall around Troy, so the sea god sent a monster to ravage the area. Heracles killed the monster, and Laomedon refused to pay him too. The hero brought 6 ships and took Troy. Laomedon and his grown sons were all killed, and the baby Podarces was proclaimed the new king. Years later, Prince Paris carried away Helen of Sparta, and the Greeks brought 1086 ships with 50-120 men on each ship. The war lasted 10 years. At last, Odysseus ordered a huge hollow horse to be built. 12 or so men hid inside it, while Agamemnon took the rest of them to hide nearby. That night, the Greeks emerged and signaled their pals to return. That is the tales of Troy's 2 falls summarized.

  2. Helen

  3. Troy fell becouse Prim [the king of Troy] broke a contract with Zeus. he had to be punished for that.

  4. some married woman fooling around.was the casue of it i can't think of names right now but thats what happen.

  5. Beer...

    In the dark of night, the soldiers of Troy were too drunk and stupid and unprepared at the time when the belly of the wooden horse opened and out spilled enemy soldiers with swords looking for blood.

  6. Arrogance.  Plain and simple.  Queen Hecuba dreamed that her child would burn Troy to the ground.  Priam refused all good advice and allowed Paris back into his home.  The ignored Kassandra who from the time she was a child told them that Troy would fall for a woman.

    They never believed the walls of Troy could be breached and chose to fight a ten year war, instead of giving the woman back.  The Trojans, so relieved that the war was over, didn't question the Greeks being gone so quickly.  

    In some versions of the story, the horse was a gift to Poseidon (the earth shaker) and he brought an earthquake with toppled the walls.  The Goddess's temple had an inscription that Troy would never fall as long as the Goddess maintained her temple.  After the women started to flee, it was believed that the Goddess went with them and left her temple to the men who chose to fight against all good council and advice.

  7. It was ignorance all civilizations fall because many of the leaders turn into stubborn men and women.

  8. eros, the goddess of discord threw an apple where 'to the most beautiful' and three goddesses tried to have it - hera, aphrodite, and athena. well, i'm not sure about the names but it is the goddess of beauty, of wisdon, and zeus' wife/sister. so since they are fighting over it, the decision came to a boy named paris. each of the goddesses offered a bribe - riches, wisdom, and the most beautiful woman in the world. well, the young boy chose the most beautiful lady, and that happens to be the very much married to king meneleus, helen. so helen was brought to paris, who was actually the king of troy's son who was prophesied to bring doom to troy.

    but paris became prince, with helen in his side. of course, the greeks wouldn't let themselves be shamed, right? and so the war started to get hele of troy.

    but troy has a very strong fortress, so beating them is hard.

    but a very smart guy(greek), odessius, thought of a plan. they made it look as if the greeks left, leaving a giant horse and a liar, telling the trojans that bringing the giant horse within their walls is a good omen.

    the trojans were deceived. that night, while everyone was sleeping after the celebration, the greeks, their best soldiers, went out of the horse and killed all the trojans.

    the end.

    well, this is if my memory is right. :o

  9. Eris the goddess of discord, she started everything by creating the golden apple that made a series of events affecting even the mortal world

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