
What caused the universe into eixstence?

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Scientists have been exploring subatomic particles of mass and energy. That interactive relationship allows this universe to exist. Is it possible that scientists will find the cause or is there another direction that appears to be unscientific they need to look at in order to find the answer?




  1. god

  2. I don't think we will ever find out.  The Universe is constantly moving towards entropy, causing it to be more difficult to understand.  (My own thought)

    I say Universe, but maybe I should use Multi-verses.

  3. According to Hubble, there was an event which has since become known as the Big Bang.  Personally, I believe than the universe has always been here, and I question the assumption that the universe is expanding.  I think it just APPEARS to be expanding, with photons changing their wavelength over intergalactic distances.

    We have all heard the phrase "In the beginning" since childhood, so we find it difficult to accept that there may not have been a beginning.  Our minds won't stretch that far.  We WANT limits, a beginning and an end.

  4. The problem with asking that question is that there is always a point where we can't see far enough back.

    Where did the big bang come from?

    4 particles

    Where did the particles come from?

    From collideing branes (according to string theory)

    Where did the branes come from?

    They were always there.

    Why would they exist?

    Who knows

    Or you can use religion, but God would be the only witness.

  5. It is possible that they will find the answer soon, with the LHC. But looking in directions that seem unscientific isn't a bad idea, as long as it can still be scientifically proven. I'm sure you are suggesting religion which can't be proven or dis-proven, which is why it is unscientific.

  6. lol when you say photons changing their wavelength do you mean expanding or shrinking? if they are expanding then we will all die. if they are shrinking we will all die. ?!?!?!

  7. I am no expert and am probably going to be wrong but I will try to work through the logic.

    1.The worlds largest "atom smasher" is going to be turned on I believe this year, and after interpreting the data discovered by this device scientist hope to see smaller particles.

    2.Scientists generally must try to work "backwards" to ascertain  what caused an event to occur in the past. Even if something "new" was discovered they would have to come up with a theory or theories as to what role the "newly discovered" particle played, in other words how it's characteristics fit in with the scheme of things.

    3. By definition a person defined as a scientist would not seem to be defined as such if they where not working, "Scientifically". They would be a person "pretending" to be a scientist.  Maybe I misunderstand the question, but, I am not an expert, I am just trying to work through this logically.


  9. There are thoughts about this from the "big bang" to God.  Actually, nobody really knows for 100% certain.

  10. look at your really...LOOK at it....and think about it.......WHAT caused he UNIVERSE into EIXSTENCE...if there is no universe, than there is nothing to be in WHAT could have made it...if there is nothing to begin with....what created the bang.....IF THERE IS energy, no stars, no planets, no what created it...god

  11. No one knows what 'caused' the Universe to come into being.  Cosmology doesn't deal in speculative First Causes, only what can be known.  Apparently, though, Nothing caused the Universe to be.

  12. eixstence isn't a word.

    we don't know. we don't know if we'll know.

  13. God did it.

    Sorry that's what Catholic school has done to me lol.

  14. You're going to get ALOT of unwanted answers and arguments on here.

    I really don't know. Nothing has been proven yet. Its all just theories.

  15. I doubt that will ever be answered in a way that is acceptable to all scientists.   So far, it is a complete mystery and outside of anything scientific except highly speculative hypothesis. That is assuming you are asking what caused the big bang.

  16. s***w what science says. It did not, start from a molecule. Because all you have to do is keep asking where it came from, and they will run out of answers. There is something more to life than we know, something more out there. Whether its god or not, it sure wasn't science.

  17. maybe its overwhelming urge to know itself.

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