
What causes to make wind?

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  1. Read on, this is sweet n simple:

    Uneven heating of the earth's surface, rotation of earth, presence of mountain ranges in the path of winds; leading 2 their deflection.

  2. eat the wrong kind of food

  3. Air in motion is called wind.Winds are created by differences in air pressure.Hot air rises,creating a low-pressure area;cold air sinks,creating a high-pressure area.Air is pushed out of high pressure area towards low pressure area due to pressure gradient.The movement of air from high-pressure area to low-pressure areas follows a basic worldwide pattern.Winds blow from the equator towards the poles,or from the poles towards the equator,but earth's rotation deflects these side ways a phenomenon known as the coriolis effect

    Regional or localised winds blow on a small-scale due to local differences in temperature and air pressure in a small area.These variations occur particularly in coastal regions and mountain ranges or because of intense heating in interior places or desert areas.Examples are sea breeze,land breeze,(in coastal areas)Fohn wind,Anabatic wind and Katabatic winds(in mountain areas).

  4. diff heating of the atmosphere

  5. There are several causes for wind.  Perhaps the most important cause is the need for the earth to balance its heat load.  Upper and lower winds spread heat more evenly about the globe, especially sending warm air to the poles and cold air toward the equator.  When a storm front approaches, the falling rain can entrain air at the front that travels downward then spreads out in the direction of the storm as strong gusts (even before the first rain arrives!).  Because of Coriolis forces, air masses tend to rotate (in different directions north and south of the equator).  This results in Highs and Lows on the weather charts.  When the effect is highly pronounced hurricanes may be spawned as rotating spirals and may also contain local tornadoes.  Air may also move up over a mountain range condensing out its moisture as rain and fall on the other side of the mountain range as very warm dry winds (Santa Anna, etc.).

  6. Natural wind is due to uneven atmospheric pressure. The air flows from high pressure to low pressure areas. That is why wind flows from sea to land during day time as the land gets heated quickly due to sunlight as compared to seawater. The air near the land gets heated and becomes light in weight.It goes up and creates a low pressure area near the land.  The air layer just above the seawater is comparatively cooler. So it is denser, making it as high pressure area.  This difference in the pressure in land and water makes the air to flow from eater to land. The reverse situation is there during night time.  The land cools down quickly as compared to the seawater.  Therefore wind starts flowing from land to sea.  This is how the winds are made.

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