
What causes voter apathy?

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What causes voter apathy?




  1. the knowledge that we are being given a choice between a p**p sandwich and a p**p burrito, and having such a choice is supposed to make us believe we are free.

  2. The lousy quality of the Tweedledee-Tweedledum candidates that you have to choose among.

  3. Complacency and lack of knowledge.

  4. reality shock

  5. Excessive information, most of which is unnecessary.

    Imagine you had a boss, spouse or friend who talked incessantly. Would you listen?

    We are assaulted with over 1,400 messages a day on average. To be undiscerning is the ultimate self-defense.


  6. The politicians.

    The mud slinging.

    The constant barrage of unkept promises.

    The misinformation that is crammed down our throats.

    The sad pool we have to choose from.

    The way our votes are used to get them in and their own interests that somehow have nothing to do with why they are there.

  7. Lack of any decent candidates.  They all disappoint in the end.

  8. i think most americans as soo maxed out with the rat race they have no energy or time to pay attention to the issues and then register and then find out where to vote this year then go to a little place on a certain day and vote..

    and a little bit of egocentrism and only concerned with their little lives and until something bad happens to them they are happy watching football games instead of debates

  9. A Supreme Court ruling that they won't allow all of the votes to be counted.

  10. Who cares?

  11. When people think that none of the candidates are looking out for their interests.

  12. When people see that things are arranged and not legally.

    So its easy to stop participating for some people. Not all, not me.

    Lies from politicians...

  13. i don't think apathy needs a cause.

    interest and involvement and motivation is more likely to need a cause.

    why are people not excited about voting...

    because they feel their vote does not count.

  14. it's like a school cafeteria

    you look at the options and they all taste the same and neither is good nor bad, nor different, so you'd eat one or the other or for that case, just wouldn't go to the cafeteria

  15. Some people are apathetic about voting because they don't care enough to learn anything about the issues. Others feel like no matter who they vote for, they never get what they were promised so they get discouraged and give up.

  16. Lack of real choice.

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