
What club would you recommend?

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I'm an American with easy access to New York and several bars with Premiership TV packages. I'm just getting interested in British football for the first time, and I haven't chosen a club yet. Serious answers only, please -- don't just use this as a chance to take potshots at your arch-rivals. What are three good reasons why the club you support would appeal to someone who wants to understand the game as it's played well?




  1. Honestly....

    I would watch a few Premiership games and at least make a shortlist of the clubs you particularly have interest in or has caught your attention.

    Continue watching these specific teams and let the club choose you.

    You will know when you start pushing on a specific club ....

    There was this article(2 yrs old now) on ESPN about choosing a EPL team, that may or may not help you by Bill Simmons. I agree and disagree with some of his assessments but it may assist you in choosing your club

    I would also recommend listening to World Soccer Daily so that you can capture more of the understanding for the game,specifically British Footy. Its is an entertaining show hosted by a Englishman and a Scotsman.

    Ohh and being that your in of the best Footy Pubs in the city is Nevada Smith's, which you should check out especially if your looking for the atmosphere.

    Good Luck

  2. Manchester United

    1. Christiano Ronaldo- I don't know how long he'll be there( heard he might go transfer to Real Madrid( Spain ), but as long as he's there, the best thing to watch in sports is a great player do his thing, and nothing's better than watching the best in the world. The two most exciting to watch play soccer is Christiano Ronaldo who is from Portugal and the one and only Ronaldinho of AC Milan who is from Brazil.

    2. The best matches would include Manchester United and Chelsea, Arsenal, Liverpool, so why not go for the one that has the best in the world.

    3. They are the team of English soccer, always a top team and always has top players.

  3. arsenal no club can play football like they do n also no have gone through so much emotional situation like they have, they are  the best football team to recommend

  4. By saying british league i guess you mean english premier league because its the best league in GB and the world, well there are many good teams in england which makes the league interesting and attract many people around the world. Many foreigners support mainly the big four which are manchester united, chelsea, liverpool and arsenal this teams are great to watch, manutd and arsenal have similar style of play because they play beautiful football while chelsea and liverpool well i wouldnt say there game is not interesting but they play mainly to get results.

    Since its your first time getting interested in the english league i think you should watch the likes of manutd and arsenal because they are more of an entertaining  side, study there game and see which one you prefer

    Though i recommend you go for manuntd because they are more of a constant team  

  5. Liverpool FC,,, the greatest club in premiership history

  6. When you say British Football, do you mean the English Leagues or the Scottish Leagues? There is no British League - that's something you should know from the outset.

    My advice would be to watch all the teams and decide which one you like best from the style of football they play and the players on the team. Read up on those teams histories and learn about their fans. Some teams have great histories but horrible supporters, or loads of cash but no history, etc.

    Don't just go for whoever's winning at the moment or whoever has the most money as so many others do.

    Have you ever been to England/Scotland? If so why not watch a team from a city you have visited for a start.

    The teams that play the best football in England are currently Manchester United and Arsenal, in my opinion.

  7. Tottenham Hotspur

    1. The unique name - how cool is that name? 126 years of history behind the club.

    2. The playing style - famed for their attractive, entertaining, attacking brand of football. “Football is about glory, it is about doing things in style and with a flourish, about going out and beating the lot, not waiting for them to die of boredom” Danny Blanchflower - former Tottenham Hotspur Captain

    3. The players/manager - current manager Juande Ramos was brought in in October 2007, with a great reputation for attacking football, getting the most out of his players and achieving great success at his former club Sevilla. The recent acquisitions of some of the most talented players, most under the age of 25, suggests this team is on the way up.

    You can go and support your Chelsea's, Man U, Arsenal's, Liverpool's etc - join the rest of the bunch. Or stand out on your own and support a team that is going places - yes you may not win every trophy, yes it will be an emotional rollercoaster - but boy will it be fun.

  8. Arsenal

    THE most entertaining to watch in the WORLD period.

    Their football is beatiful.

  9. chelse fc


    1. frank lampard--scores goals from everywhere

    2. cech--plays with a head injury

    3. their soccer is pure gold

  10. Arsenal Fc

    They play an entertaining brnd of football and t6heor coach seldomely buys stars but finds young talent and makes them great

  11. Hair Club For Men.

  12. most ppl agree that manutd and arsenal r the best teams to supp cuz of their attacking the end of the day thats wat u wanna watch.i'm not taking a potshot....just stating the obvious that u'll be bored by chelsea....all rival fans agree on that

  13. Everton F.c

    1.Longest time spent in the top league of English football

    2.Still in beautiful Goodison park, one of the old stadiums built for acoustics, the first purpose built football stadium.

    3.Some of the most loyal fans in football. We sell out most weeks, and have done for as long as I can remember. Despite not winning a trophy since 1995, it would never turn us away from our great club.

    4.Liverpool is a great city, that makes for a great atmosphere at Everton F.C

    5.Returning to European football

    6.We have had a few major escapes from relegation in the 90's, watch the last game of the '94 season, but we survived through the spirit of the club.

    7.Once your an Evertonian you will always love the club. Everton F.C is actually the focal point of an Evertonians life, you base everything else around football and around the club. You become a part of the club, and the club becomes a part of you. It's a way of life.

    8.We are improving, and playing better football. Players such as Arteta, Pienaar and Yakubu have brought stuff that's easy on the eye.

    9.You're American, our No1 Keeper is Tim Howard.

    10.We have a fantastic manager who loves the club and tells no lies to fans (something which is rare in the game today)

    11.It's not just a football club, it's a family.

  14. It has to be Chelsea!!!

    Reason One: Location. As someone from near New York - the Greatest City in America (in my opinion) you will feel more at home supporting a London club, the greatest city in England (fact!).

    In London I would wholeheartedly recommend Chelsea as they come from the most exciting, vibrant and fashionable part of town.  

    Reason Two: They will contest the Premiership and you will get great coverage on TV. They have also been involved regularly in the final stages of the Champion's League.

    Reason Three: They are team that is going places. Not in decline, like Arsenal, or having already peaked like Manchester United.

    Reason Four: We have great English players - Terry, Lampard, Joe Cole etc. As well as great foreign players Ballack, Deco, Carvalho etc.

    Reason Five: We are not Man Utd.

    Having said all that, I don't think you should make your mind up until you have seen more football. Watch for a season, during that time you will naturally form opinions and likes and dislikes  about players and teams - and this will be based on your own set of values and be much more personal than choosing with a pin or asking others to decide for you. Good luck enjoy your football and never call it "soccer" when talking to non-Americans.            

  15. honestly i watch la liga more than the premiership and i am a barca fan but if i were you and had to pick a premiership team i would go with either liverpool or chelsea

  16. the club which has been in the top flight of English football longer than any other club - 'The Peoples Club' - EVERTON FC 1878.

    'Oh it's a grand old team to play for'

    'And it's a grand old team to support'

    'An if.........ya know.........ya history'

    'It's enough to make ya heart go oooooooohhhhhh ohhhhhhhhh'

    'We don't care what the red sh.ite say'

    'What the f.u.c.k. do we care'

    'Cos we always know that there's gonna be a show'

    'And the Everton boys are there'.

    NIL SATIS NISI OPTIMUM (Nothing but the best is good enough)

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