
What comes first - thought or reality?

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I would like to have answers conected to practice- f.e. if one is in a room where there are other people and he/she projects some of his/hers thoughts in the common aura and sees that other react somehow/mainly to not very polite thoughts/ is this that his/hers thoughts influence or he/she reflects the reality?




  1. You are asking a hypothetical question which relies on things being real which aren't, so I can't really provide you with an answer here except to say that sometimes through non-verbal cues you can clue in those around you to what you are thinking and this may in turn make them express things back to you non-verbally.

    Reality is that which exists whether or not you're present.  Thought, or perception, is your personal interpretation of the reality around you.

  2. Reality reflects thought....So thought is reality. Because you create your own reality depending on your thought and perceptions.

    Reality creation.

  3. to do, you must first imagine. are you a kaballist?

  4. Well, alot of people think perseption IS reality so based on that, I wouls have to say thought because through thought reality is created

  5. thought definitely comes first because everything starts in our minds and then we create them.

  6. My answer is thought. I have no idea what you said after the question

  7. definitely thought.

  8. I read your question 3 times and still can't understand it. Is it you or me??? I'd really like to understand it..but I'm sure you won't rewrite it and decide on he or she without slashes.. and simplify it.

    Is this what you're saying? You put out thoughts and without saying anything people pick up on your thoughts and react to them by facial expressions etc.? I'm sure I'm way off...

  9. This question would probably get better thought out answers in the philosophy section.

    However, since you asked. It depends on what you believe from a philosophy (not science as science is contained within the belief system) perspective.

    Some people believe that there is no objective reality (something out there for us to discover and know).

    So, they believe that thoughts constantly influence our universe (reality does seem to change at least we seem to observe it changing, but does it change on its own or do we contribute to that change?)

    Others believe that an objective truth of the universe exist (it is as it is only our perceptions and interpretations of it can be wrong) but that it is an objective (albeit changing) reality.

    In social construction there may be a reality that we can only view through flawed perceptions but other constructs are pure thought. For instance laws (let's say prostitution in NY) is just agreed thought by most people to act or not in a certain way. The paper and ink are real they exist. But the law is not real it is a concept (a thought) so in that sense a thought creates the reality of the world in which you live.

    And no if enough people were gone or those people changed (look at elections) then that reality would not continue to exist if people were there or not.


  10. You can define thought and reality in various ways.  A useful distinction can be that thought arises from a subtle layer of less excitation or vibration than when it comes into the conscious mind.  More excited states of life are more physical.  So it goes from unmanifest, to thought, to body, to external objects, one could say.  Reality again can be defined many ways, including a general view that it is everything that exists.  So to think reality is  everything, helps us see that thoughts, dreams, emotions are all part of reality.  In terms of order, the unmanifest silence, was stirred to create excitation which ils thought, which leads to more manifest objects etc.  Under this is the interconnection between thought and action.  It is true that reality appears different and different states of consciousness.  So Ultimate reality includes both manifest and unmanifest.  We perceive reality dependent on our own mind and nervous system.  Those who can be more aware, can see the thought as energy, and how it can be felt by others in a room.  It is like TV, there are channels some get and others do not.  Discernment is the process of paying attention to that which is useful, and not benig a puppet to the thoughts, desire, or energies of those around us. It takes practice.   So we each influence the environment and those in it to some degree, but each person has their own unique capacity and life to lead, without fear of intervention of others.  So we learn to adapt to the energies, or impulses that whirl around us, we can't stop the rain, but we can use an umbrella.

  11. Thought comes first if your eyes are closed, otherwise reality.

  12. At this time in history, nether comes first, they are interdependent, you can't have one without the other.

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