
What commercial is the worst?

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what commercial is the worst?

and whats the best?




  1. The absolute worse commercial, and I don't know if you get it where you are, is the caveman commercials for Geico.  That ship has sailed - it was funny in the beginning but now...good grief!  To think that some idiot actually tried to make that commercial at TV show too!  

    I think some of the best commercials are some of the ones you see during the Super Bowl - I can't think of any right now though.  My brain has gone numb from picturing that stupid commerical I mentioned before!!

  2. Currently I hate the new Orangina advert (UK)

  3. Worst Most of them The Only Current one i like is the one with the duck I think it is Aflac    

  4. "I hate this commercial but the product works HEAD ON!!"  wtf?

  5. Worst - the one that they keep playing for Telstra, with everyone watching the olympics on their phones.

    Best - Probably any of the Tooheys beer ads. They all crack me up. Oh, or the Pure Blonde one where they're in this beautiful white paradise and the truck driver comes and messes it all up. I laugh every time he uses the birds beak to open his beer.

  6. the morrisons adverts

    STOP USING THAT FLIPPIN SONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Sheila's Wheels!! Thank God I haven't seen it in such a long time!

    Can't think of a favourite one though, especially currently.

  8. too many to pick a worst

    honda hate something change something ad i love the song :)

  9. in the world have 50-50

  10. I like many of the ones advertising some insurance companies.  

    I also like the guy advertising Free Credit especially when he is singing about having to work in a seafood restaurant.

    I have too many ones that I dislike that I can't even think of one.  They are usually really irritating and shown way too much.  One that comes to mind is where a guy is talking in an interview and the stain on his shirt is mumbling over his voice.  I think it is advertising Tide stain stick or something.  I hate that commercial.

    I also hate any commercial advertising insect/rodent extermination and they show the creatures.

  11. WORST: Target / Jonas brothers butchering Hello, Goodbye.

    BEST: Smilin' Bob from the Enzyte commercials

  12. the worst is the Extenze commercial for "natural male enhancement" lol.

    The best is the one from the superbowl last year with "What is love" and all those people falling asleep. It was for pepsi

  13. The best is probably the New Diamond Shreddies Commercial, cause it's so stupid. Everyone else already gave good answers for the worst ads.

  14. I hate the Burger King advertisments

    My favorite is the Geiko commercial with the two squirrels.

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