
What constitutes a good old age?

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just looking for some perspective on how people (preferably 45+) look at and feel about aging. answer these questions briefly as i am looking for the best answer! old do you feel? do you fear aging or the thought of getting old?

2.whats the best and worst part of growing old?

3.if you could be any age, what age would you like to be again and why?

4.does society need to change anything to make the lives of older persons more satisfying?

5.what advice would you give me about life in general and sucessful aging?




  1. I feel 40 and look forward to aging. The best part of growing older is the wisdom,knowledge,& experiance. The worst part is your health failing and body changes. It does'nt make to much sense to go backward when your just going to end up getting right back old.The world will continue to advance regaurdless. Just live happy,dont let the stress and worries of life take you and you will live longer and age gracefully.Oh yeah......I'm 33.

  2. no stregnth is the worse option, if one doesnt work out you're doomed to turn into a sack of saggy flesh that rots...muscles equal stamina!

  3. I feel great for 45... More things hurt han they used to but all in all I feel alright...You can check out my myspace if you want traceslick is my URL...

    Not sure what the best part is ...the worst you can't do everything you used to do...I love my age now...I look forward to seeing how my life goes...

    Society could do anything that would enhance the lives of the older generation...they seem to be doing alot as far as what they offer...But because I'm getting up there...More of anything would be good...And cost of living should be more to suit the needs of the elderly.

    Take care of yourself how you see get to know your body and yourself tend to your needs that in the long run will help your body...Check out this song... :)

  4. i think the elderly should be given the lethal injection when there to old to work or contribute anything to society - the highest sucide rates are with the over 65's so it makes sence to put them out of there misery and save money at the same time if you think about it

  5. I feel fine.  I don't fear aging, I fear illness.  Healthy old folks are fun, fun, fun.  They tell the best jokes.

    The best part of growing old is having a huge amount of experience to draw on.  Stuff that used to baffle me now makes all kinds of sense.  The worst part of growing old is not having the energy to do what I want to do.  

    If I could take my present knowledge back with me, I'd probably do the college years over again.  I'd get better grades and I'd have more fun because I now know how to balance those things.  Back then it was either/or.

    We should be able to retire earlier.  It's a shame to make people wait until they're 72 to retire.  

    Life in general and successful aging?  BIG question.  Have fun, don't hurt other people, surround yourself with people who think you are terrific.  Take good care of your health.  Use your vacation time to go someplace or do something that you'll remember. Have more fun.

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