
What contributes most to global warming?

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We all know it's CO2, but the major emitter is electricity plants. Hot water heaters burn gases that contribute to climate change as well. If you wanna help fight global warming, unplug your cell phone chargers when they are not in use and put your computer to sleep while away from it. Taking shorter showers also helps, but I personally cannot break this habit for the life of me. Of course, carpooling and public transport help as well, but you probably already knew that. Don't hate me for posting this, I just want to do my part.




  1. Actually, we DON'T all know that it is CO2, or even if so, whether human activity is relevant.  Water vapor has a considerable greenhouse effect, and there is a lot more of it in the air than there is CO2.  So, I don't worry about it, other than to take the obvious economy measures (which I do for the sake of my wallet).

  2. Sorry to inform you but those measures will have little to no effect The population is increasing faster than any of these measures can do any good.  Three more people using the resources overy second of every day and rising.  Soon it will be four.  

    You most likely will live long enough to see that what i say is true that it is the numbers of people that have to be reduced.

  3. Why not ask the residents of Canada and Siberia whether they want to stop global warming.  They might see us as selfish.

  4. I always thought thatit is  the sun that heats the earth...or was it humans?

  5. GOVERNMENT!!! They could take heed to the knowledge of saving our planet using hemp to make fuels which burns cleaner, and uses up CO2 and emits O2. The book is The Emperor Wears No Clothes by Jack Herrer. Read this book then sit back in awe over the ignorance of the one's who can make a difference.

  6. Al Gore contributes the most to global warming everytime he opens his mouth. Econazis are asinine, and their ideas are cockamamie. Stupid is as stupid does. Anyone who is worried about "global warming" ought to be stripped of their clothes, and then exiled to Siberia for the rest of their lives. Have no fear, chicken little. The sky is NOT falling. All is well. There's no cause for alarm! Get a grip! Thank you.

  7. There are 6 gases of which the major is CO2. Other known gases are  methane, PFCs, SF6, NF3 etc.

  8. the human race contributes most to global warming.

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