
What cost to the environment?

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It so annoys me about Govt directives for us to save energy, like changing lightbulbs, sharing a bath etc. How many bottles of Coke and other drinks are put into plastic bottles? How much oil is used in those plastic bottles? And don't say they can be re-cycled.




  1. In theory, if carbon dioxide is the problem, then making plastic does nto lead to global warming.  Burning the plastic would, but who burns soda bottles?

  2. I personally avoid plastic in all forms as much as humanly possible. I will only buy it if it is in a durable item. There is no need for single use items in my life.

    Blame Nestle and Coke a Cola for the plastic bottle problem. They are also responsible for the bottled water epidemic.

    You as a consumer have the power to create change in the market place. Companies will only sell what is profitable.

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