
What could this be? please answer?

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im 15weeks pregnant and today ive experienced little sharp pains in my v****a they arent painful or regular. Could these be braxton hicks contractions or could it be just simply stretching?




  1. its not braxton hicks they are in your abdomen not v****a, prob just a muscle ache, try doing pelvic floor exercises worked for me allthrough 2 pregnancies

  2. It could be the start of a kidney or bladder infection.  Any burning when you go to the bathroom or a discharge could be another sign.  If this continues please go to see your doctor.!

    Good Luck!

  3. I have had that as well and they are pretty sore. I asked my midwife about it and she said a lot of women complain about it, she said its nothing to worry about it and is probably hormone related. Mid wife also said as long as the baby and you are ok then dont worry about other aches and pains, its just pregnancy! Your body goes through so much changes its normal to get niggles. If it becomes very painful then seek medical advice. Good Luck with your pregnancy :)

  4. What you feel is normal. Contractions would be in your stomach or back even braxton-hicks. What you feel is your pelvic area spreading. Some people refer to this as lightning. It is just your body's way of preparing. As long as there is no pain with urination (Urinary tract infection) you will be just fine.

  5. i dout it your only 15weeks gone

  6. Hi ;) those pain felt like an electric shot, didn't they? It's normal and it's really nothing to worry about --I'd still notify the doctor cause they usually happen later on in pregnancy ;)

    It's the baby pushing pressure down there, simply ;)

  7. I had this around the 12 wk mark and it just faded within a day or 2.

    Personally i think its your ligaments, muscles, womb strecthing, i doubt it very much they are braxton hicks because they are meant to be a painless tightening feeling up around your bump/back..

    Your right its impossible to diagnose all the lil pains because there are so many! the joys of pregnancy! lol!

    id say ur fine, however if its severe(prevents you from doing everyday tasks) then just get yourself to the doc to pu your mind at rest!

    I hope everything goes well for you!


  8. It could just be your uterus expanding, but get some advice from your midwife.  

  9. Could be either or both. I got a lot of random and strange pains. As long as they don't get too bad, and there's no bleeding there's nothing to worry about. If you're at all worried though call your doctor.  

  10. I woulds say is stretching, its to early to feel contractions

  11. same thing  

  12. Braxton Hicks are not felt in the Vaginal area so I would say what you are experiencing is either the increasing weight of the uterus stretching your muscles or even the start of nerve pain.  Perfectly normal though and nothing to worry about.

  13. steching of utuerus pain.

  14. Probably just your body making room for the little one. :)

    But if it concerns you, please call your doctor and ask them.

  15. I am 38 weeks and in early stages i had many little pains and things around that area. If you experience bleeding do contact your midwife asap but from my experience its just one of those things. Try not to worry to much.

  16. no it wont be braxton hicks, remember your organs move, your bones are softer so the baby can grow and your hips ect can expand its probably just moving if its too painfull go to your gp, but you'll probably find that its just your body changing xx

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