
What could this lump be?

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Recently I discovered a lump in the lower left quadrant of my abdomen. I work at my primary physician's office so I had her feel it and she asked to me to make an appointment for the next day. When she further examined me, she told me that it wasn't near my ovary but just above it. I can feel this lump very well while standing but when I lay down it's very hard to find which made my doctor determine that it's deep. She referred me to a radiologist for pelvic and trans-vaginal sonograms and instructed me to apply a warm compress to the area and gave me a presciption for Naproxen ( an anti-inflammitory). So far nothing has changed in size and I feel discomfort in that area when touched. I've also discovered 3 other lumps a little higher up since my doctor's appointment and I know she didn't feel those because we were so focused on that one lump. I have the appointment with radiologist in 3 days so I will get some answer to all this but I'm just curious about other people's experiences with this sort of thing. I'm very nervous and I do know that they could be just lipomas but my doctor didn't think they were...




  1. Tumors...cysts....any number of things.  The sonogram and x ray will tell the tale.  Best of luck to you.  

  2. Well chances are the sonograms will give you some sort of an answer, but the only other thing besides what the other people mentioned would be a kind of hernia.  I know when I was a baby (about 3 months old I believe) I had a double hernia where my ovaries had pressed into my intestines causing a lump to bulge out of my lower left stomach.  When I had the surgery, the doctor checked the other side and the same thing was happening there - so both were corrected.  I hope this helps - good luck!

  3. It could be a number of things and Unfortunately noone can diagnose you Until you have those tests.  Good Luck & I wish you the Best. I'm sure its nothing serious. Women seem to get all these stupid lumps & bumps and most of the time they're just cysts or fibroids. The Good News is you're going to get them checked instead of just leaving them alone.  Always better to be safe then sorry,  Good Luck and Please when you find out,  Edit your question with your results. Thanks.

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