
What creatine is good?

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I havent lifted for about 3 months and Im planning to lift again soon. Before, I took the normal whey protein shake, but now I'm planning on taking creatine. I also want to burn my fat until its less than 10%.

Some creatine pill/powder Im thinking about taking are:

GNC Pro Performance Amplified Creatine, MRI CE2 HI-DEF, MRI CE2 Platinum, or the MRI anabolic switch.

What creatine should I take? Does creatine have protein in it? and whats the difference between CE2 HI-DEF and CE2 Platinum?




  1. go to a fitness center, there they'll be able to help you out

  2. Do you think it is necessary or good for you to take all of this stuff. I worry about your health and how all of this is affecting you. Can you lift w/o supplements? Why don't you get a trainer? All of these chemicals must be changing your body chemistry, etc. I want you to be fit, healthy, muscular and trim w/o using things you don't know much about. Good luck
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