
What crowd(s) do you belong to?

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like group of people, where you have something in common, and often, all know eachother. I know I have quite a few groups.




  1. I'm in the Miscellaneous crowd...

    ...the leftovers...

  2. Dude that's middle school c**p.

    By the time a person gets to high school,they SHOULD be able to realize what stupid ideas those "groups" were.

  3. well

    i believe sterotypes

    r g*y.

    its the mans way of labeling

    the world

    which is rong.

    i hate labels

    and u shouldnt label urself.

    its horrible

    but i gues im part of the regulars

    the pimp **** ppl

    i hang out wit

    the only ppl i care about

    the oens that go down i nhistory

    and become rockstars chea betch.


  4. nerds, bookworms, and little miss prissie

  5. Alcoholics Anonymous.

  6. I actually fit in with almost everyone. Except the meat heads and town s***s.

  7. I am ina mixd group. Some sporty, some smart, some "cool", some preppy, some tomboys.

  8. Conservative God loving gun owning people... Of all races...

  9. AAA Motor Club


    3rd and 4th Grade PIP

    1st and 2nd Grade PIP

    Build a Bear Club

    Audubon Birdwatching Club

    Blooming Foods Co-op

    Harmony Parents Co-op

    Harmony Book Club

    PNO Party Nights

  10. s**y crowd

  11. None.

  12. More like the mix... like i guess you could say numbers from each group besides i find sterotyping by groups and clicks quite immature.

  13. none, I am a family man who just does what he has to do to come home

  14. In high school i was an anti-bully/stoner, but in college there are groups but you see others associate with those groups.

  15. Just one, but i like visiting.

  16. They call me Purban, I am punk and urban all rolled up in one... but I classify me as ME...

  17. My wife and children.

  18. anyone who is a christian.

    anyone who likes to read.

    anyone who likes soap operas.

    anyone who loves animals.

    those are "groups" i belong to.

  19. i'm an emo.

    i used to be preppy/ghetto

  20. deadheads

  21. I have no real crowd. Some of my friends are intellectuals, some are fine arts obsessed, and quite a few are so phenomenally cheerful they may have some form of hypomania, but no particular crowd.

  22. Army

  23. Youth group


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