
What day is the longest day?

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What day is the longest day?




  1. One where you get told you have a terminal illness.

  2. woooooop this friday!!! :D     :D    :D

  3. Here in UK the longest day is the Summer Solstice.

    Here in UK the Summer Solstice is a major event and signals the start of all that Summer madeness which follows - the various Fests etc - knee deep in mud at Glasto blah!  I'm relaibaly informed it's red wellies this year - turn up in greens and you won't get me.

    Summer Solstice at StonehengeFestivals - information about Summer Solstice at Stonehenge, Glastonbury, Reading Festival, ... Cage The Elephant, 17-06-08. Rock Ness 2008 photos.

    Summer Solstice ad Stonehenge 2008 - Festival ForumsStonehenge is open on Friday night (20 June) until early saturday morning - then there is a Summer Solstice Party in Salisbury Arts Centre with live Reggae ...

    Here's a guy who thinks he's found out how we built Stonehenge. . . .why not. . . .??

  4. Monday's

    they always seem to drag on

  5. The longest day of the year is the summer solstice (around June 21).

  6. wednesday... has the most letters and is stuck in the middle of the week so you're dreaming about the weekend to come and the weekend that you finished

  7. The day before you leave for vacation....

    When I was younger, it was the day before Christmas, my birthday, or the last day of school......

  8. Midsummer's Day, 21st June.

  9. If you mean the day with the most daylight hours, it's the day on which the summer solstice occurs.

  10. Because this is a leap year Friday, 20th June is the Summer Solstice. This is when the daylight hours are at their longest. From then on the daylight hours start to get shorter.

    Next year being a normal year the Solstice is on June 21st.

  11. The day of the essay portion of the Bar Examination.

  12. everydays pretty much the same length.  just a tiny bit over 24 hours

  13. twentay firast oaf Julay! Work that one out!!!

  14. I'm going to a funeral tomorrow.

  15. "D" Day. Like the film said !   :o)

  16. The summer solstice around June 21 is the longest day of the year.

  17. First day of summer.  On or about June 21st.

  18. june 21

  19. June 6th 1944

  20. It doesn`t matter if your salary is weekly or monthly. PAYDAY is always the longest day!

  21. Oh, c'mon! It depends where you live....

  22. If you mean the one with the most light, it is 21st June.

  23. Friday June 20th

  24. June 21 - first day of summer

  25. in uk 21 June

  26. When I drive past you in my bus it will seem a lot longer......;-)

  27. It depends where you live. If you live north of the equator, the longest day of the year is between the 20th and 21st of june (the summer solstice), but on the south of the equator it is the shortest day of the year.essing that the longest day if you live south of the equator must be december 21st, which is the shortest day if you live north of the equator. Hope this helps.

  28. 21st June. Its the day the sun is at its most northerly point. The shortest day is the 21st December, although it could be argued that the longest day is the last sunday in october when the clocks go back and that makes the day 25 hours long

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